"I'm not sure."
He admitted, eyebrows drawing together.

Despite the large amounts of anxiety and uncertainty, Bucky ended up making the first move and leaned forward. Steve froze, his hands shook slightly. Bucky kissed his cheek, and it felt like pure electricity was running through every single one of his veins. They froze against each other, his lips just barely brushing Steve's cheek.

He smiled at Bucky when he pulled away, still slightly shocked. Bucky wasn't much better, neither able to pull away farther then a few inches. Bucky's hand had grabbed Steve's and now the two stared at each other with wonder.

"That, that was, huh."
He murmured, not quiet sure how to put what he was feeling into words.

Bucky agreed in a haze, his eyes slightly glossed over.

Soon after when both had recovered, they left the bar and headed back to base. Neither was quiet sure what to do with themselves now, but they both knew they weren't leaving the other.

They moved their beds together easily enough, seeing as both were right next to each other, and then they climbed into bed.

"Goodnight Buck."

"'Night Steve."

They fell asleep on opposite sides of the bigger bed, but ended up tangled together near the center. The other men in the bunker didn't pay much mind to it, soulmates found each other all the time, even in war.

At six Steve woke up. He was mildly surprised to find his arms around Bucky and their legs tangled together, but he didn't mind at all. He got out of the bed gently and tried not to jostle his soulmate too much.

Soulmate. It was weird, he'd know for so long, but was only now starting to understand how significant that was. He got breakfast with a smile on his face, and everyone knew why. News travels fast when people are desperate for something to entertain them.

At 8 am he was off to the lab, still smiling. He opened the door and was greeted by Peggy, who actually had an emotion on her face other then the stern expression he was used to.

"Agent Carter."
He greeted, pressing down his smile.

She nodded, the mild curiosity still evident, making him wonder what she was so excited for.

They walked down the hall slowly and quietly, her eyes darting over to him before facing forward again.

Finally he couldn't take it.
"Sorry, but do I have something on my face? What are you looking at?"

"Does Sergeant Barnes know you're soulmates yet?"
She asked instead of answering, the curiosity and excitement in her eyes grew until it was all he could see.

"How- how'd you know?"
He asked shocked, he wasn't aware she listen to the gossip around the base.

"Me kissing you, I knew it would make him see, since you've clearly never kissed anyone."
She said, her tone and sentences making her seem more like an agent that knew all your secrets then she already was.

He smiled slightly,
"You knew that'd work, was it so obvious?"

"Every time you looked at him the more clearly I could see it. Congratulations Captain, you deserve it."
For a second he though he saw affection in her eyes, but it was gone so fast that he brushed it away.

"Thanks, Peggy."

She smiled slightly and nodded, then she calmed her features to a harder mask and started toward the door again.

End of the Line || STUCKY SOULMATESWhere stories live. Discover now