He starts towards the gym at the other end of the room before turning back to you, "hey, I want to say thank you. I was in a bad place earlier and your words really helped". 

You see he looks slightly embarrassed so you say, "you don't have to thank me Bucky. It needed to be said and I don't think any less of you after seeing you like that by the way. If anything it just shows how human you really are". You see him smile brighter than his earlier one. 

Satisfied you turn away from him and put the blades back on the rack. He's moved closer to you as he says, "you're really good with blades", you laugh lightly and turn to him and he looks sheepish for stating such an obvious fact. 

You put your hands on your hips and give him a warm smile saying, "yeah, no shit Sherlock. Its kind of my speciality. Just like you're good with guns". 

You laugh some more and he gives your shoulder a light shove, "okay okay, I stated the obvious but I'm being serious. You're quite amazing with blades". You smile at him again for his compliment. 

You thank him and he waves it off but then you get serious with it, "no, really, thank you Bucky. Nobody has said something like that without it being followed by asking who trained me". 

He looks at you for a moment before he says softly, "I don't see the need to push you Y/N for that information. You'll tell us when you're ready and if we have to know. I trust you to tell us if us not knowing ever endangered our lives". You watch his face for a moment and see nothing but kindness and honesty. You reach your arms around his middle and hug him tightly. It takes him a few seconds to catch up to what is happening but then he brings his arms around your frame and squeezes you softly. You pull away and give him a smile before leaving him in the room to train.

The next day you were finally called to the conference room to be briefed on a mission. You were pretty excited and couldn't wait to get out of the compound. You stepped in to the room and Steve started speaking, "Good, we're all here. It's just us on this mission. It shouldn't be too difficult. We found a hydra base in the United Kingdom, Wales. Its high up in the mountains and did a good job of being camouflaged. There's three floors to clear. Take all agents out in your floor and retrieve all information. We'll pair up and each take a floor". 

He looks at everyone getting a nod of confirmation from everyone and before he can continue you find yourself speaking, "I'd like to be paired with Bucky". Everyone turned to you in open shock, except Bucky who was trying to stifle the massive grin threatening to over take his face. 

Steve cleared his throat, "I don't know if that's a good idea-", Bucky interrupts Steve saying, "Its cool with me, as long as you're not too hurt over losing your better half", he then shows his massive grin to Steve as everyone stifles a smile. 

You feel relieved that he managed to disperse the tension that was building between you and Steve. You couldn't explain why you wanted to be paired with Bucky. Yesterday had opened a connection with him that you felt you didn't have with everyone else. He is the first one to expressly say that he trusts you and if you had to work in pairs you wanted someone who was going to have your back. Once the mood sobered up Steve said, "okay, Y/N and Bucky, Nat and Clint, me and Sam. Everyone ready?", we all nodded and headed to the quinjet.

The ride didn't take long and soon we were passing over mountains with lots and lots of sheep. As we headed further into the mountains it started to rain and the sound of it hitting the jet relaxed the tension in you somewhat. 

When Steve said they were 10 minutes from landing you stood up and checked your blades were strapped into place. They had offered you a suit like Nat's but you refused, opting for your usual attire. You wore your black leather trousers, a black vest and a black leather coat. You kneel down and check you have your extra blades in your combat boots. You stand to find Bucky watching you. 

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