Chapter 1

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You just arrived in the city and you follow the device cam gave you leading you to the creature that attacked the school and you saw the Power Rangers there they were getting their butts kicked and then you send a blast of water to the creature and jump in the way

It's time for some Payback you said

With super speed you attacked a Nylock causing it to run away and the samurai rangers come to you

Who are you the Red Ranger said

I'm a student of the wind Ninja Academy and i need your help you said and show him the symbol of the wind Ninja Academy on your clothes

It take you back to their dojo and you tell them who you are exactly

I'm (Y/n) (L/n) I'm a member of the wind Ninja Academy my mother is Tori Hanson the teacher of the water group she was also the Blue Ranger of the Ninja Storm Power Rangers my mother lost her powers along with the other Rangers fighting the space Ninja leader lotor 2 months ago that creature attacked the wind Ninja Academy most of the students were badly hurt or injured i was sent to deal with the creature and i heard you guys were fighting these creatures and i figured you could help me you said

No offense but you have no training and fighting these things you don't even have a Morpher Jayden said

The necklace I'm wearing is known as the samurai amulet the evil space Ninja lotor used up most of its power if I can reawaken that power i can access it and use it to fight these Nylock are too dangerous to be left alone either way I'm going to fight them it's better if we work together than alone you said

And you think our powers can access it Mike said

If anybody can it's you only you guys could access its power the only Rangers left this thing attacked my school my home i cannot let that go unanswered as soon as this fight is over i will leave a please help me access it Samurai amulet so next time you sings Attack the school I'll be ready you said

Very well place the amulet on the table everyone put your power in the amulet mentor said

You put the amulet on the table and they put their power in the amulet and it started glowing and it stops and you pick it up

Thank you samurai rangers you said

After they added their power to the samurai amulet restoring its full power they showed you around i need to send a letter back to the wind Ninja Academy letting them know you're staying to fight with the Rangers

So (Y/n) how's it feel to be a Power Ranger Mike asked

It feels pretty good I know my mother was a Power Ranger it feels like I'm taking up the Legacy you said surprise them

There are other Power Rangers Kevin said

Yes my mother and her friends were Power Rangers that's how the samurai amulet works but after she lost the power fighting lotor she getting the power of water but then she was called back as a Power Ranger and her power was restored to help the Power Rangers Operation Overdrive Collective Corona Aurora jewels and then when she left she came back to work on her surfboard shop you said

While you were talking to them a bird flew above you and you heard it squawk and a letter dropped in your hand

I heard ninja super fast but this is new Mia said

You're telling me you said and open the letter

Dear (Y/n)

If you're reading this then you've got the power of the Samurai amulet back and we've also repaired at the Zord that comes with it along with it we've given you power spheres the Spheres will allow you to access the weapons for the Zord we've repaired the other Resort as well as auxiliary Zords whenever you need their help they will come to Aid you and the other Samurai Rangers good luck

P.S. love you tori

Sincerely your mother Tori

He was smiling knowing your mother is okay with you staying

You continue talking to the Rangers about how things are on your side of the world apparently Emily lived nearby

So what were they talking about these Powers spheres Jayden asked

You have your power discs i have the power spheres each one is like a coin i put into a system that locks the coin yin and drops it and i saw a weapon from a sword a hammer mace a drill i have many and from what the letter said i have the other swords which i was surprised they fix them cousin the final battle with lotor they were destroyed you said

Everyone split up to go look through the different pools to find out where the nylok could be and when you all arrived you still together

(Y/n) let us handle this fight you haven't tried Morphin yet since you've got the new Power it's best to wait and train with the power first Jayden said you nod

The other rangers try to morph but it failed then Jaden saw there is a barrier around the area and you helped him and Kevin tried to destroy them but there were too many nylok so you tried to morph

WOW Mike yelled

INCREDIBLE Kevin yelled

With ninja speed you take down the Nylock enemy only leaving the mutated spider nylok left and the other Rangers were able to morph again after you destroyed the last Ciel and then another Ranger came to help

Who are you he asked

Ninja samurai ranger you said

Jaden transform into a Super Samurai mode and then you take off your vest and your helmets changes

Mind if i join you Red Ranger you asked

My pleasure ninja samurai ranger Jayden said

Together you take down the Nylock with no problem until it grows

(Y/n) can you hear me a familiar voice said in the helmet

Cam you said

Yes your Zord is on the way you can call this is what you never you need to with the samurai amulet if you need help feel free to call Cam said his voice disappears

Samurai copter appears and you jump up into it

Together with the Rangers new power and your help you defeat the Nylock and head back to the dojo

(Y/n) i can't thank you enough for your help do you plan to stay we could use all the help we could get to defeat the nylok mentor asked

It would be my pleasure to help you all this gives me a chance to see how the samurai fight compared to the Ninja with my Zord prepared i can call him whenever i need to you said

The Rangers gave you a room and their dojo along with a power discs as a sign that you are a member the team

You were in your room looking up what your mother had given you which was a ninja outfit at the samurai symbol on it and someone knocks on the door

It's open you said and Emily comes in

Hello Emily you said

Hey (Y/n) i heard you live close by to my place back home with my sister Emily said

Yes i do why do you ask you said

Is it possible that you could ask one of your mom is friends to go see if she's okay she's badly sick and I'm unable to check up on her please Emily said

Of course when the messenger bird comes back I'll give it the message just let me know what you want me to write down and I'll tell them you said

Thanks Emily said with a smile and left the room

After she left you meditate and then you go to bed but the entire time you couldn't get Emily off your mind

Power Rangers Samurai Emily x Male Ninja Storm ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora