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*Third person pov*

Mira twisted her bag's straps in between her hands as a guard walked her through the 'prison for young people' as she liked to think of it. 

"Are you still with me?" He asked when Mira started staring into space. She quickly nodded and then went back to staring out of the window. There were an aweful lot of guys here. In fact, she didn't see even one girl. She furrowed her brow and turned back to the guard. 

"Excuse me, but, are there no girls here?" The guard grinned and shook his head. 

"No, you're the first. But don't worry, we're not like that here. My name is Jisung, and you are?" Mira swallowed slowly and grasped her bag tighter with nervousness. It wasn't because she didn't like being around all guys, but that something seemed off here. She looked back out the window and noticed all the guys looking up at the window. She quickly took a step forward and sighed. She didn’t see her cousin anywhere. Jisung tapped his fingers on the window sill.

”What are you looking for?” Mira looked back at him and pressed her lips together. He was really cute. Kinda like a squirrel. 

“My cousin. I was told he was here.” Jisung nodded slowly and grinned. 

“Is his name Hyunjin?” Mira furrowed her brow and nodded. 

“Y-yes, how did you know?” 

“He talks about you...a lot. Come on, it’s time for you to meet the others.” 

Jisung led Mira into another building and into a room. He flicked the lights on and seven guys turned towards them. Mira paused and then set her bag down. Jisung clapped his hands and closed the door. 

“Guys, it’s our first girl.” Mira looked at all the faces. They seemed nice. A man with blonde hair stepped forwards and smiled at her. 

“Hello mate. I am Chan, Bang Chan. I'm the leader. Us nine,” he motioned around the room. “Excluding one member cause he’s late, are Stray Kids. We are the leading gang here.” Gang? Mira frowned and clasped her hands behind her back. There was a gang here? Wasn’t this supposed to be a 'correctional' place? Chan looked past her and then smiled. “HyunJin!”

Mira whirled and grinned broadly. They had so many memories together. HyunJin noticed her and he immediately ran to her. They hugged and Mira breathed in his scent. 

“Mira, what are you doing here?” Mira rolled her eyes and clenched her fists. 

“Father sent me here. Said I would learn to be a better person. He thinks I will become like him just because he came here long ago.” HyunJin smirked and shrugged. 

“Yea, well, that's just how Uncle is. This place has changed a lot since he was here. The guards, the teachers, they’re all gone.” 

“Then what is this place?” Mira started feeling excited. She would love to tell her father he had actually sent her to a place where she could be herself. 

“This place?” Another man stepped forwards and crossed his arms. Mira gaped a little and then shut her mouth. He looked cool. She bit her lip and then nodded slowly. 

“Y-yes, this place.” The man raised his eyebrow and then motioned towards the window where she could see the whole grounds. 

“My name's Changbin, and this is District 9.”

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