Chapter Two: Don't Go Off the Path

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You arrived at the City of Bones to help get Clary's missing memories back, hopefully. Mundanes weren't allowed inside so you and Simon had to stay outside in his van with Izzy. Simon was sat in the front flirting with Izzy while you stood outside leaning against the side of the van. You were admiring the stars when your phone buzzed signalling that you have a phone call, it was your mom. "Hey mom. Wait... just hang on the signal is a bit spotty, I can't hear you... let me just find a better spot."

You went off down a path to get a better signal so you could hear your mom better on the phone. She rang you because she was worried and haven't heard from you to which you apologised profusely about telling her that something came up with Clary. It wasn't a lie but it wasn't the entire truth. You couldn't just tell her that demons and vampires exist and that Clary is a Shadowhunter so you settled with telling her a half truth. Once you finished your conversation you started heading back to where the van was. You didn't realise how far you had walked. On your way back you could have sworn you heard a wolf growling but you didn't think much of it and carried on.


"Where's Simon?" Clary asked, worry laced her voice. "And where's Y/N?"

"I've looked everywhere for Simon and Y/N went to take a phone call." Izzy replied.

"Simon, is that the mundanes name?" A shadowy figure asked from the top of the bridge. "I'm afraid he's coming with us."

"No! He's not apart of this." Clary shouted, her voice breaking.

"Give us the cup and we'll let him go. The clock is ticking." The shadowy figure instructed and then vanished with Simon.

"We have to save him. We ha-." Clary started rambling but was interrupted by an ear piercing scream. Your ear piercing scream. "Y/N..." she gasped.

Jace, Izzy, and Alec all looked at each other knowingly. They got out their weapons in sync and started heading towards where the scream came from. Clary was in the middle of the formation that the three Shadowhunters had formed so she was protected from all sides. The group ventured through the grassland, which was covered in tall grass and bushes, weapons drawn when Jace came to a halt signalling that they might be in the right place. He slowly turned the corner, around a bush, and saw you lying on the floor limp with blood all over you. Clary gasped at the sight of you, just a few moments ago you were full of life and now you were weak and covered in blood. Izzy had to hold Clary back while Jace and Alec went towards you. Alec knelt down and brushed your hair out of your face, inspecting your injuries. "Werewolf?" Jace whispered not wanting Clary to hear. Alec gave a small nod to confirm.

"She's alive but barely. We have to get her out of here." Alec stood up and whispered in Jace's ear. Jace nodded in response.

"We got to get her to the institute." Jace said so Izzy and Clary can hear him now. Before Alec could object Jace added. "There's nowhere else to take her. It's not like we can walk into the hospital. "

"Fine. Let's go." Alec huffed and started walking away. Jace bent down and picked you up carefully so he could carry you bridal style back to the van.


You woke up a day later, light beaming through the windows causing you to squint. Perching yourself on your elbows you looked around the room disoriented and blinked a couple of times to rid yourself of the grogginess. 'Well it's not a hospital' you thought. You looked down to see what you were wearing and they definitely weren't your clothes. You also noticed the bandages wrapped around your arms. "What the hell?" You muttered. The last thing you remember was being on the phone with your mom and then nothing. A wave panic hit you, you had no idea where you were and who's clothes these were. You stumbled out of the bed and looked around the room for you things or even a pair of shoes but nothing causing you to curse under your breath.

Outside of the door you heard talking, your fight or flight instincts kicking in. You grabbed the nearest thing that you could use as a weapon, which was a floor lamp. Gripping it tightly you were ready to attack whoever was the other side of the door. The door opened, your knuckles white from holding the lamp tightly, and Jace and Alec walked in. "Stay back!" You shouted, your voice wavered slightly.

"Whoa... we're not going to hurt you." Jace assured you, his hands up in defence. "Now put down the... is that a lamp?"

Instead of putting it down your grip got even tighter and you shook your head backing up into the corner. Clary came rushing in after hearing the commotion that was going on in the room. "What's going on? Y/N..." She too put her hands up in defence and started walking towards you carefully. "You're okay, now. No one is going to hurt you. Just put down the lamp." Her voice was calm and soothing which calmed you down enough to put the lamp down.

"I just want to go home, Clary. My mom must be freaking out right now." Your voice broke. You were tired and scared and you just wanted to go home to your bed and be with your mom.

"You can't go home, Y/N. I'm afraid you-." Jace started but was cut off by Clary snapping her head towards him and shaking her to tell him not to tell you. You looked at him quizzically.

"Afraid of what? That's it not safe for me out there? I don't care! You can't keep me prisoner here. I'm going home and that's final." You demanded. You looked down at your arms again remembering the bandages around your arms and started taking them off. "And why the hell do I have bandages on my arms?" Clary was about to tell you not to take them off but when you did she noticed there was nothing. No blood. No scratches. No scars. It was like you weren't even attacked. Everyone looked on in confusion. If you were a werewolf you should still have scars on your arms. "I'm going. Look Clary I'm not going to make you come with me, okay. I get that this is your home now, this is where you belong. They can help find your mom and I truly believe they will. Take care Clary Fray and be safe." You pulled Clary in for a hug and said your goodbyes before leaving the institute to go home.

"We're going to take turns and keep an eye on her." Jace said to Izzy and Alec while Clary walked you out. "Alec will take first watch."

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