It was their perfect home away from home.

Evan shook himself like a wet dog would, water flying everywhere. He couldn't help but replay in his mind how he and Tyler had found the cave.

"You sure we got enough oxygen to get back to the surface? I don't wanna be stuck living here with you; doesn't matter how sweet this place looks, I ain't moving in with you again." Tyler had brushed his hair out of his face, wiping the excess water from his eyes.

Evan snorted. "Thanks for the compliment, Tyler. Trust me, I made sure we had enough oxygen for several hours underwater, we're fine." His head bobbed from side to side, taking everything in. He whistled appreciatively. "Place looks nice, big and dry. Could be an awesome place to hangout."

"Yeah, if we can afford all that oxygen," Tyler scoffed, crossing his arms, though his eyes glimmered mischievously. "Plus all the stuff it would take to make this place livable. How do you expect us to get that kind of money?"

Evan hesitated before answering. "We have enough money to get us started on your---our project, but we'd have to have, like, a one hundred percent success-rate. . . I just---I just don't see how that's possible. This isn't GTA and this isn't Los Angeles! We don't get re-spawns or health back in just a few minutes! If we die, we're dead, Tyler, dead! Are we really gonna put our lives on the line like that?"

Evan's hands were shaking, he had never been the best with risks but he had never been the worst. But all his other risks had been under controlled circumstances. If something went wrong with this plan that was it, Game Over, could he really run that chance?

Tyler saw it all but said nothing, eyes overcast in shadow. He walked forward until he was less than three feet away from Evan. He raised his hands as if to slap Evan, but instead Tyler grabbed hold of Evan's face and made Evan look at him.

"Listen, man, you and I, there's nothing left for us to do as everyday ordinary people. You and I, we're dime a dozen, there's nothing remotely special about us! We've gone through every motion, done everything right, but we're not even middle class, dude. The only reason we're not in poverty right now is because our friends decided we would live together and pool our money to be able to live decently. It's time we live a little, and not just with some overpriced amusement ride or club! But with some excitement, some danger, something to remind us that we're alive! Isn't that worth the risk?"

Evan had trouble making his mouth move right, Tyler's hands were squishing his face a bit, but he managed to mutter out, "But if we die, how are we going to remember we were alive? What if one of us dies? How do we like life after something like that?"

Tyler loosened his grip a little and sighed. He offered a smile. "I guess that just makes us appreciate the little things even more."

Evan sighed as the memory played out. Oh, how could he have predicted his answer? The outcome of that answer? Never in his wildest dreams had he expected that Tyler had been serious about starting a gang in their first year of university. Now having been graduated for two years, the two were actually rather successful. Evan had been working as a music teacher while Tyler worked as a computer service worker. Struggling to make ends meet, the two were just one delayed payment away from eviction of their shared apartment.

"I don't see how we're gonna get through this, Ev," Tyler sighed and dropped the warning of eviction notice onto the table. He rubbed his temple, trying to massage away his growing headache. "We just don't make enough to keep this apartment and be able to afford food. We're already living off of instant ramen noodles and cheap takeout, we can't afford to downsize anymore!"

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