Rainy Days

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Jesse's azure blanket was wrapped tight around her. Her nose buried in a large dust covered book. Rain harshly drizzled against the large window's of the order hall and Jesse could hear the rain impinging on the earth.

Jesse adjusted her black trimmed reading glasses and let her umber eyes trail over the interesting, but very sophisticated words in her book. With her freehand she grabbed her steaming mug of cocoa and brought the cream colored mug to her scarlet lips. She took a small sip of the searing hot chocolate and swallowed the sweet liquid before setting her cup back on her cherry coffee table.

Jesse glanced away from her book and at the fireplace as a loud pop sound went into the air. It wasn't long before her dark hazel eyes trailed back to her book. She devoured the words like a starving lion ready to gorge it's meek prey. 

Petra walked into the order hall and seen the large book her friend was holding in her hand. "Your such a nerd Jesse," Petra said, playfully rolling her ebony eyes and shaking her head.

"Whatever," Jesse mumbled, her glimmering umber eyes still in her book. "Don't you usually have papers to do or something?" Petra asked

"What's that supposed to mean?" Jesse questioned, raising her eyebrow and glancing at her best friend for just a moment.

"Your just usually busy all the time and I didn't know you still had time to read."

Jesse's eyebrow dropped and before Petra's eyes lit up with mischeif.

"Hey quick question."


"Would you rather want to go and enjoy the rainy day or read a book."

Jesse lowered her back and gazed at Petra, "Read a book," She said bluntly.

Before Jesse could go back to reading, Petra snatched the book out of Jesse's hands and held it high above Jesse's reach.

"Petra!" Jesse exclaimed, reaching for her book. Petra smirked and jolted for the front door of the order hall.

"Come and get it!" Petra yelled, opening the door and letting it swing wide open.

Jesse smirked, swung her legs over the cream colored sofa, closed the door, and laid back on the sofa.

Jesse took out another copy of the book, opened it, and looked for page 31.

"Petra should be back in....five minutes at the maximum," Jesse muttered to herself, adjusting her slightly dirty glasses.

Jesse wasn't very fond of the cold weather, but Petra on the much to Jesse's dismay absolutely loved it.

Petra loved the gloomy weather, the fluffy dark clouds, and the cold. It was the perfect weather especially when one wanted to go monster hunting.

However Jesse on the other hand depised the gloomy, rainy weather.

Unfortunately for Jesse the rain had been going on for about 2 days now and it was supposed to rain the next day too.

Jesse sighed as she thought about all the paperwork she would have on her desk by tomorrow morning, but nevertheless she might as well enjoy her book while she could.

Jesse crossed her legs, getting comfortable again.

Petra very sneakly opened the door and quietly closed behind her and tiptoed towards Jesse, her fiery hair dripping with water.

As soon as she was close enough Petra snatched the book from Jesse again and this time Petra put the book in her inventory and smirked triumphantly.

"Can I have my book back?" Jesse asked, impatiently tapping her foot on the ground and crossing her arms.

"Nope!" Petra exclaimed, "Unless....," Petra rubbed her chin pretending to think.

"Let me guess unless I go monster hunting with you?"

"Bingo!" Petra exclaimed, clapping her hands together.

Jesse groaned and reluctantly stood up with a quavering sigh, "I'll be back."


Jesse and Petra walked down the desolate streets of Beacontown. "Don't you just love the rain Jesse!"

"No." Jesse deadpanned. The moon shone radiantly upon the two girls, lighting up both of their faces.

Petra playfully punched Jesse's shoulder, "Your just saying that because your salty."

"If you say so." Jesse said with a light shrug, a broad smile on the corner of her lips, the rain soaking her brunnete hair.

Petra inhaled the fresh air and kicked some water into the air.

The rain drenched Petra's bandana, but Petra didn't seem to mind it.

Petra had her enchanted Miss Butter in her left hand, the enchantments gleamning brightly in the moonlight.

Jesse rose an eyebrow and asked, "Why do you love the rain so much?"

"I'd rather be cold than burning in the sun at 100° weather!"

Jesse dropped her raised eyebrow, "Well you do have a point their my friend." Jesse said, remembering how sticky and humid it was during the summer.

"Maybe you'll actually enjoy the rain as much as I do someday!" Petra exclaimed, smiling broadly. "Like I would have time to actually enjoy it."

Petra laughed, "If you have time to read a book you should have at least a little bit of time to get your feet wet."

Jesse put a hand on her hip before resting her arm on her side, "Guess your right."

"Of course I am!" Petra said, ebony eyes gleamning with excitement as the rain contuinued to soak her.

"I could think of all the times you were wrong instead." Jesse said, crossing her arms for just a moment.

Petra gave Jesse a strange look, "Dont, unless you want a knuckle sandwhich that is."

"Uh...no thank you."


"Serouisly egg puns....," Jesse drifted off and groaned, "Thats really outdated Petra."

"Your locked in an office 24/7 how do you know when somethings outdated!"

"Petra that joke is so old that I bet your grandma knows it."

"Oh! Fiesty now are we?" Petra replied with a devious smirk, "At least I don't collaspe from exhaustion and land right on top of Lukas!

Jesse felt her face turn to a vibrant shade of red, "Lets not talk about that okay." Jesse said, falling very quiet afterwards.

"Don't you just love rainy days Jesse?"

Jesse remained quiet, her face still the color of a strawberry, but under her breath she muttered a faint, "No."


First oneshot done and...30 more to go! I don't know why, but it took me awhile to come up with an idea, but this one turned into more of a happy oneshot, well not for Jesse that is. I'm already having fun with this! Well I don't have much to say, so I'll see you all tomorrow!

31-Day Mcsm One Shot Challenge: February EditionWhere stories live. Discover now