The Greatest Show

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Tyler nodded. "I jus' turned 19 a few weeks ago. We threw a big party and Jenna made me a cake and everyone got me a present and I was given a little bit of alcohol with made me super giggly and then we danced and—"

"Jesus, Ty," Brendon cut in. "You're gonna talk his damn ear off."

"Sorry," he smiled sheepishly, apologizing once more. "I'm just excited."

"He's always like this," a voice teased. "Even when he isn't excited."

Joshua turned around to see a blonde woman standing next to Brendon. She looked a little older than any of them but not elderly. Maybe mid thirties? "Hey, Jenna!" Tyler grinned again. "I was jus' talking about you!"

"I'm flattered," she chuckled softly. Then, she turned to Joshua. "Who's this?"

"His name's Josh!" Tyler informed. "He's an escape artist! He's joining our family!"

Although Joshua had only known this kid for about ten minutes, those words made his heart swell with happiness. He's never had anyone that willing to accept him, let alone a family. However, when they find out about his secret they won't want him anymore. That's why his real family kicked him out. It was either that or death.

Jenna turned to him. "Nice to meet you, Josh. I'm assuming you already heard from Tyler but I'm Jenna," she smiled.

"What do you do?" Joshua asked curiously.

Jenna held up her hands and Joshua refrained from letting his eyes widen. Her thumb, pointer finger, and middle fingers were fused together and then her rung and pinkie fingers were as well but separately. It was like this on both of her hands and they looked almost like a— "Lobster Girl. I do a juggling act with Dallon who you'll probably meet later. People like to come talk to me after the show too and see my hands up close. It's a genetic deformity. My dad had them too."

Joshua nodded slowly. He didn't have "lobster" hands but the insane things he could do with his body freaked people the hell out. He even got grossed out by himself sometimes. "I think they're cool," he told her honestly.

"No you don't but thanks," she laughed. "I'm also the resident chef. You'd think that would be hard with my hands but it's not. At all. Tyler helps me sometimes when I do need the assistance but I can do most things by myself."

"And she makes really really yummy food too," Tyler assured.

"Thanks, bud," she smiled. "Anyway I came over here to get Brendon. We needed your help with where you wanted us to place posters."

Brendon paused before looking at Joshua. "I was about to show Josh around and introduce him to everyone..."

"I can do it!" Tyler offered excitedly.

Brendon raised an eyebrow. "You sure?"

"Of course, Brennie! It's just showing Joshie around, right?"

Brendon seemed hesitant but agreed anyway. "Alright," he turned to Joshua. "If he overwhelms you just come outside. I'll be around here."

"Will do," Joshua nodded in response before Brendon and Jenna walked off. He turned to Tyler who had a huge grin on his face.

"Let's go!" He grabbed Joshua's hand and began tugging him towards the corner Brendon was going to take him to when they first stepped into the tent.

Tyler hummed a song to himself happily while they walked. Well, Tyler more so skipped and Josh speed walked to keep up with him. They approached three girls talking together in the corner and Tyler greeted them happily. "Hey guys!"

They turned to Tyler with smiles on their faces. "Hey, Ty," one of them replied. "Who's this?"

"This is Josh! He's joining the circus! He's a contortionist and escape artist. He's 24 and—"

"Breathe, Ty," another one of the girls laughed. "Nice to meet you, Josh. I'm Hayley," she pointed to to the girl next to her. "This is Ashley," and then pointed to the one that spoke first. "And that's Sarah."

Tyler bounced around excitedly. "Sarah's a knife thrower, Hayley's a sword swallower, and Ashley's a fire breather."

"It's nice to meet you guys too," Joshua cut in, returning formalities from earlier.

He looked down and saw Hayley and Ashley's hands were joined together. His heart swelled with happiness for them. Maybe they would still want him if they found—

"Do you have a problem?"

He looked up from where he was watching their hands to see a scowl on Sarah's face. "What?"

"Do you have a problem with them?" She gestured to the two. That's when Joshua realized he must've been staring too long.

His eyes widened. "No!" He said quickly. "Hell no," he scratched back of his head nervously. They didn't looked convinced and Sarah looked like she was going to beat his ass. Here goes nothing. "No, um, that's a part of why I'm here actually. My parents found me with a guy and gave me thirty seconds to grab anything I could and leave or else my dad was gonna shoot me. He had his gun and everything and got one shot to the ground behind me."

It was silent amongst all four of them and even Tyler calmed down enough for Joshua to tell his story. "Shit. When was that?" Ashley asked softly.

"Um four years ago. I've been kinda doing random shit to stay off the streets since then. All I had time to grab was this jacket and these boots and the clothes I was wearing," he laughed awkwardly, trying to ease the tension.

However, they still looked pitiful and grim. "I'm so sorry, dude," Hayley told him, grabbing his other hand. "Welcome to a family that actually gives a shit about you. And we give plenty," she smiled lightly.

Joshua smiled back. "Thanks."

Tyler was the one to ease the conversation back to make it more lighthearted. "So you like boys?" He asked.



"I don't think so."

Tyler pondered, nodding his head. "Me too," he paused. "So are you sure you've never tried sucking your own dick?"

"Tyler!" Sarah scolded, laughing as she did so. The other two girls laughed and Joshua managed to crack a smile.

"Kidding," he grabbed Josh's hand again and squeezed it tightly. "Bye, ladies," he said before leading Joshua away from them. "I want you to meet Dallon next."

And off they went.

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