First, he was mad at you. Maybe he really didn't think you were mature enough to go out into Belford on your own, and your childish rebelliousness to his words set him off.

Then, there was the second, which she favored. He was mad at himself. For what, she wasn't sure, but this was the more likely reality. Maybe he was mad because he allowed himself to get riled up and yell at you- or maybe he just felt bad. Then again, it could be something she knew nothing about- and probably never would know anything about. But, as she watched him storm up to the other Sins, she recognized the uncertainty and frustration that swam in schools within the crimson pools that were his eyes.

She had felt the same before- right when she was about to go off to find the Seven, or now Eight, Deadly Sins.

Ban trudged up to the Sins, a scowl etched permanently into his features. Meliodas raised an eyebrow at the sight, knowing what was happening, but confused as to why Ban would show his feelings so openly. King sighed, shaking his head as he sat upon the pillow, which doubled as his sacred treasure. Why can't he just admit that he likes her as much as she likes him? It's super obvious... King thought, watching the Fox Sin. Gowther was entirely indifferent, still processing the encounter. It made no sense to him, probably, he reasoned, because it was centered around emotions he wasn't around to see accumulate, nor did he understand what they were or how they worked. A true mystery, on his front. Diane was just overall confused- she was probably the only one in the group, save for Gowther, but he doesn't really count, who hadn't caught on to the upwards battle that was your and Ban's, if you hadn't already guessed, confusing-as-all-hell relationship. She was clueless, and truly thought that the two of you had gotten this mad over your maturity and how it affected your ability to do missions.

It was strange, really. She had always been one of your closest friends in the Sins, save for maybe King. But he was more like a brother, who you shipped insanely hard with the aforementioned giantess. Your OTP, followed close behind by Merlin and Escanor and, now, Elizabeth and Meliodas. You had secretly shipped yourself with Ban, but would never tell anyone that. Poor Gowther. Such a lonely doll.

"Hey Ban," Meliodas grinned, earning a glare from the Fox Sin. "Quite a fight you put up, there."

"As I recall, he allowed (y/n) to beat him senseless," Gowther interjected, addressing the captain, who sweatdropped. "Although it was interesting. She was only using a fraction of her power, yet, not observing from a technical point of view, it looked as though she was going all out. What a strange phenomenon... Please, Ban. I request that you explain the emotion behind your encounter to me."

"Buzz off, smartass," Ban growled, shifting his gaze to the magenta-haired Goat Sin.

"Interesting. You conveying anger in my direction, yet there was no instigation. The human heart is truly a a complex mechanism."

Meliodas swatted him across the head, causing it to cock to the side ever-so-slightly.

"Ow." Gowther spoke, his voice monotone and unwavering as he returned his head to its normal position.

"I think Gowthy over here needs to go in time out," Meliodas laughed, and Ban scowled further. The use of your stupid- extremely stupid- nickname for the Goat Sin made his heart throb uncontrollably. The thought of doing anything but comforting you and doing everything in his power to make you feel better made him sick to his stomach. He could only imagine that you were in some bar getting as drunk as you could, or, possibly, knowing you, sitting in a pastry shop eating your feelings away. Ban felt that was probably the more likely of the two.

"Inside," Ban grumbled, causing the Sins to look at him. "I'm going inside."

"Sir Ban, wa-" Elizabeth started, but she was cut off by Meliodas, who looked in her direction and shook his head. When the Fox Sin was inside, he spoke.

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