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  Vera has been completely dedicated to art ever since her father died, she stopped making forgeries, she even liked visiting the people who found her innocent for her father's murder, Apollo and Trucy. She would make paintings of Apollo and Trucy a lot, one was of Trucy and Mr. Hat, another was of Apollo yelling objection, and there were many many more. Though, she did feel a bit more shy around Apollo than Trucy.

  She would be having a good conversation with Trucy, then Apollo would come by and say, "Hi," and Vera would become a shy mess. She would even go back to drawing faces on her notepad.

  She had always been shy, but this felt... different, her heart would start to go a thousand miles per hour, her face would get hot, and she would feel weak. She didn't understand emotions too well, but some books called the feeling love. In paintings she saw depictions of people pining for others, she just didn't know if the represented what she felt.

  She sighed and took a sip of tea.

  "What's wrong, Vera?" Trucy asked.

  Vera jumped, she blinked, and she remembered she was at the Wright and Co. Law Offices. She blushed in embarrassment, at least it was Trucy, "It's nothing."

  "Veerraa..." Trucy pouted.

  "I-I-" Vera felt stumped, her words wouldn't be voiced.

  "Is it-" Trucy turned her head to see if anyone would listen in, "Apollo?" She whispered.

  "No, how would you get that idea?" Vera's face was a pink strawberry, but she refused to stutter.

  "Hm, okay, but if you want to tell me anything, you can." Trucy smiled.

  Vera drank her tea to calm herself down. She almost flinched when she heard the door open, but kept drinking her tea until it was gone.

  She got up from her chair, thanked Trucy for tea, and quickly walked towards the door without looking up.

  "Hey, Trucy, h- OW!" Vera bumped into someone and she fell backwards.

  She rubbed her head in pain, she looked up to see Apollo was the one she bumped into, and her face turned strawberry pink. Apollo held a hand towards Vera, she accepted it, and he helped her up.

  "Sorry." They said in unison.

  "No, I'm sorry." They said in unison again.

  "N-no, I didn't look up, Apollo." Vera said.


  "You two are fine, right Polly?" Trucy asked, a smile forming on her face.

  "Yeah, Vera, it's fine." Apollo replied.

  Vera nodded, she couldn't hide her blushing face.

  Apollo looked back at Vera, puzzled, "Vera, are you okay?"

  "Y-yes, I was just wondering, I feel like I never got to thank you for finding me innocent," Vera did her best to cover what she was feeling, "How can I thank you?"

  Apollo's eye widened, he never thought about it before, "Um... I guess a smile will do, you don't smile much." He shrugged.

  Vera breathed to calm her heart down, her thoughts cleared, and she smiled, "Thank you."

  Apollo felt his face heat up, but just scratched the back of his head, and replied, "N-no problem."

  " Come on, Polly, just kiss already!" Trucy yelled from her seat.

  "Tr-Trucy, quit it!" Apollo yelled back at Trucy.

  Vera laughed, Trucy and Apollo were too funny at times like this.

Author's Note

Guess who wanted to post? Me! Give this ship more love Ace Attorney, it's adorable!

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