•Chapter 3: Talk with Tee

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•Chapter 3: Talk with Tee

Sam's POV

"oh Sam meet Olivia. My girlfriend"




I know we kissed before I left but what was I expecting?

Us to become a couple?

I don't know...

I was up in the attic pacing my bedroom with all these questions flying through my head. I flopped down on my bed and ran my hands over my face until I heard my bedroom door open and feet coming up the stairs. I glanced over to see Tee pop her head through the railings.

"Can we come in?" she asked me.

"Who's we?" I asked her back. I didn't really want Rick to come in.

"Me" A little voice said from somewhere. I sat up and looked over to see Harry running straight towards me and jump in the bed next to me. I smiled down at him as Tee came over to me.

"You alright?" Tee asked as she sat down next to me and crossed her legs.

"I'm great. Why ask?" I said with a fake smile on my face. I put my arm around Harry as she looked at me with a facial expression that said, 'really?'. I sighed, looked down and then said, "no".

"Wanna talk about it?" Tee asked. I nodded at her and took a deep breath as I had feeling as I have feeling this may be a rant.

"When I first got here last night I didn't know what to expect. I mean I've changed a lot and I've grown up a bit. But when Rick recognised me this morning when many of you didn't I felt special." I began.

"What do you mean?" Tee asked.

"I....um....I don't know but I felt happy, well until I saw his new girlfriend" I said going quiet at the end. I felt Tee rub my shoulder and say, "just so you know we all don't really like her". I laughed at her statement and looked up at her.

"She seems fake. Like she's trying to be someone she isn't. I mean she acts innocent around Rick but when he leaves her on own she can be really rude. I mean she shouted Harry and then acted like it never happened when Rick walked in" she said.

"What?!?!" I gasped. She nodded her head and continued, "I think she's going out with Rick to be popular. Since you two graffitied the school and it's stayed there you've become legends".

"It's awesome" Harry said from next to me. I smiled gratefully at both of them.

"It's still there?" I said to them.

"Yep. Even since they heard you were painting in the houses of parliament for 6 months and getting paid for it, they kept it. I personally think it's to show off" Tee said laughing at the end. I joined in the laughing and we had a laughing fit for a few minutes until we heard the front door slam. We stopped laughing and I looked at Tee and then we ran towards my little window that looks down at the front. We looked down to see Rick and Olivia hugging and then they did something that made my heart break. He kissed her. I looked away and when I looked back he was waving to her as she left the gates. I turned my back to the window and walked to my bed. I sat down on the edge of it and sighed. I felt my dip meaning Tee had sat down next to me.

"Come on. Let's not see a frown on that pretty face on yours. Let's got to breakfast. I bet your hungery" Tee said to me.

"Yeah" I said and cleared my throat. If I'm going back downstairs better look like I wasn't was upset. I stood up and felt Harry take my hand.

"Let's go" I said before leading them out my room.


I'm so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so

~3 hours later~

So so so sorry about me disappearing for so long. First was going back to school and being hit with homework and then writers block and then it was me being busy with stuff but I'm back now and will be trying to update once a week. Probably on a Sunday. Anyways if you liked the chapter then could you give a vote. I hoping for 5 votes and 5 comments if possible.

Bye xxx

Back at the Dumping Ground (Rick Barber) |Book 2|Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz