
913 52 36

2nd october 2018

decided to use lighter tones on this one!poor josh had some fucking trouble getting up there, but i pictured how good this would look when we walked past it, so i had to get him to climb up there

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decided to use lighter tones on this one!
poor josh had some fucking trouble getting up there, but i pictured how good this would look when we walked past it, so i had to get him to climb up there.

he's so pretty i want to cry.

we were lucky the sky was clear today too, the uk usually is so fucking cloudy and rainy, it's horrible. i had to revise a bit after the shoot too, and josh bless him brought me coffee and mac donald's at 2am because he saw i was active on twitter.

he has my heart, that boy.
no one ever does something thar nice for me. it blew me away to be honest, no one has ever been that kind. i would've kissed his cheek and wrap myself in his arms, if he'd let me. but of course not, he's straight, so am i.
to him.

i'm sat here on my desk writing this at like fucking 4am, i've been crying a lot but apparently blue lights reduce suicidal thoughts or something along those lines. in japan they have blue lights installed in the underground to reduce people jumping in front of the trains, i learnt that in geography in year 10. i still take it, now that i'm in uni. wish i fucking didn't though.

god, i haven't stopped crying. i really don't know why to be honest, i'm just numb. really numb.

josh told me he had a crush on some girl later today. it broke my heart, yeah, but i'm happy for him. if she makes him happy, then i'll be happy cause he is. swear to god he breaks his heart i'll have to admit to him, i can't see him like he was when some other slag broke up with him. he was so broken.

i hate seeing him broken, because i should be the broken one.
he deserves the world, not her.

i'm an idiot in love.



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