"Y'know, I never understood why you wear two jackets," you laughed as you wandered around the park, heading to the rides that were usually the most crowded: Madderhorn, (the newly labeled) Hyper Space Mountain, and Big Thunder Mountain. "Like, isn't it inconvenient to have a jacket around your waist and to wear one?"

"You just don't understand fashion," he smirked, gesturing down to your outfit. You were wearing the couple t-shirt, tied up so it rested comfortably on your stomach, and it was accompanied by a pair of black high-waisted shorts. You had a small, Marvel hand-purse that slung around your shoulder, and black and white converse with white knee-socks.

"Oh, come on, I'm adorable," you smiled, sticking out your tongue and blowing a raspberry at him. He couldn't help but agree, but he couldn't admit that. Not when he could tease you.

"Yeah, yeah," he chuckled, the smile that had been present on his lips all morning still shining. "Whatever you say."

"You're an ass."

"Looks like you fell for an ass, then."

"Pffft," you laughed, turning so that you got into the nearly nonexistent line at Space Mountain. Tomorrowland was the closest to the entrance, so, naturally, it was the first place you went. "And you fell for a bimbo with the sense of style of a rock. How do you feel?"

"Pretty damn good," he grinned, leaning down and blowing a small raspberry in the crook of your neck. You laughed, scrunching up your neck in a feeble attempt to get him off of you. You stepped into the car, followed by Ban. The two of you followed the instructions of the woman on the speaker, buckling your seatbelts and tugging on a yellow strap, signifying you were secured in the vehicle safely.

The ride zoomed forward, and you jerked around the various turns. You squealed in delight with every movement of the car, laughing and clutching you boyfriend's arm as you watched the TIE Fighters and rebel ships zoom through the screens around you. He smiled, enjoying both the ride and your adorable reactions. If Ban was being honest, going to Disneyland was a bit of a drag- unless he went with you. You, somehow, always managed to make everything way better than it should be.

When you got off the ride, you bounded over to the picture areas, tugging Ban along with you, giggling like an idiot. He rolled his eyes but still followed, smiling. When you reached the picture screens, he laughed.

"Your face! Priceless!" He wheezed, pointing at the picture. You had your eyes closed and were clutching his arm, your mouth open mid-laugh. You had to admit, it wasn't the greatest picture you'd ever seen of yourself. However, you still snapped a picture of it with your phone, hoping to download it onto your camera role using the code.

"Hey!" You huffed, puffing out your cheeks, "At least I don't look like I'm a model!" You gestured toward his face in the picture- he was staring directly at the camera, his signature smirk on his face and his tongue hanging out. He held a peace-sign up with one arm and had the other casually by his side, and seemed completely unbothered by you holding it, almost as if you weren't there.

"Was that supposed to be an insult?" He laughed, wrapping his arm around your shoulder as the two of you exited the ride.

"It's hard to insult you when you're perfect at everything!" You spat, crossing you arms.

"Aw, thanks, shortstack," he purred.

"Shut it, Chewbacca!"

Greed and Despond (Ban x Sin!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now