Calender Dates [Muke]

519 13 2

This is my first 5SOS fic - written as a bribe for a close friend :) It had to reach a certain amount of pages, hence the useless stuff at the start, but bear with it ^^ (also, no proper cover for the moment, I am too lazy to make anything haha ^^")

I'd appreciate any feedback, if at all possible ^^


Michael worked in a pretty generic coffee shop. 

It was found on a street that was busy during the day but relatively lifeless at night; there were never any speeders or break-ins at the multiple other stores, but then again, there was nothing of real value - a bookstore connected to the coffee shop, a 2-dollar store across the street, a day care, a pretty cheap pet store with a few sickly fish - nothing worthy of stealing to be honest. 

That was besides the point.  

Michael liked where he worked. Lots of strange and unique people came in, both regulars and one-timers. There was a comic-con twice a year at the arena about twenty-minute walk from the shop, which was only five minutes form the train station, so there were a lot of strangely dressed people who stopped here during those weekends.  

The store itself was pretty decent. The store-front needed a repainting, but the inside was made mostly of varnished wood and glass, so it has a nice feel. The manager constantly played a jarring mix of boy-band pop mixed with soft, classical music, which Michael found to be a little distracting at times, but altogether it was tolerable.  

The food was okay - there were lots of fresh sandwiches and little macaroon things, many of which Michael had never tasted himself. The drink range was much larger - they basically had everything, from Oreo Chillers to Caramel Lattes.  

Overall, a pretty cool place to work. 

Pay was good too. 

It was a Saturday when Michael came to a realization - well, he didn't come to it personally, but it was brought to his attention.  

During his shifts on Saturdays, Michael worked with two female co-workers. Both Anastasia and Cotton knew each other, and had for a long time, he believed.  

Anastasia was only slightly taller than Cotton, at about five-foot-four, which in comparison to Michael's own six-foot-three was rather puny. Her hair was long, reaching her waist, and she had a fringe that was swept away from the middle of her face to the side, exposing her smooth forehead. Her eyes were a weird shade of blue that was sometimes grey but still blue at the same time. 

Cotton was almost the polar opposite. She stood at about five-foot-three and no taller, with slightly wider hips and chubbier thighs than Anastasia. Her hair was short and slightly curled at the end, touching the bottom of her ears in a forever state of fluffiness, in her own words. Her hands and fingers were small and strong, and her eyes were an unsettling caramel colour that could stare through anyone's soul quite damn easy, if you asked Michael. 

Both were rather devious, and to him, it seemed as if they could communicate through their minds or through just a single look. 

Females were strange creatures. 

"Oi, beanpole." 

That was definitely Cotton - her crisp yet effortlessly girly tone was easily recognizable. Michael looked down to spot her small fingers reaching to jab him in the side - he was too slow to dodge her. 

"Ow! What the hell." It came out more whingey then he expected, but Cotton brushed it off. 

"See that guy?" She questioned in a hushed tone, peering around his frame before turning those overpowering eyes up at his own green irises. "At table four-" 

Calender Dates [Muke]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora