Alien Virus

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A shuttle pod from enterprise had flown bye

"Shuttle pod 2 to enterprise."Said Hoshi

"Go ahead Hoshi."Said Archer

"We're back, with 230 Kilos of Dilithuim."Said Hoshi

"Yea and We found two energy weapons of some kind."Said Malcom

"Yea Malcoms new toy."Said Hoshi

"Alright, that is wonderful to hear Ensign, Enterprise out"Said Archer

Enterprise Launch Bay/Decon

"Uhh i really need to work out more in the gym."Said Hoshi

"If We knew those hills where going to be so big, We would have given You closer coordinates."Said T'Pol

"Don't worry about it, it was nice to get some fresh air anyways."Said Malcom

"Anything?"Hoshi Asked Phlox

"I'm not detecting any pathogens in Hoshi, but I'm getting some unusual readings from Lieutenant Reed."Said Phlox
"You'r free to go Hoshi but I need Malcom to stay."

"Feel better Malcom."Said Hoshi

"Thanks."Said Malcom

Captain Archer just arrived from the bridge

"Everyone alright Doctor?"Said Archer

"Ensign Sato checked out fine, but I'm not to sure about Lieutenant Reed, I would like to keep Him under observation, just to be safe."Said Phlox

"Malcom, how are You feeling?"Asked Archer

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2019 ⏰

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