I'll Wait for You

Start from the beginning

Tomura lifted his shirt off slowly, struggling to take off the left side because of his injury.

"Careful," Dabi said, helping him lift his shirt over his head with his one free hand. In the other hand, he held alcohol, cotton balls, and a bandage from the medicine cabinet. He grabbed Tomura gently by his right shoulder and turned him around, examining the wound next to his shoulder blade.

"Shiggy!" Dabi exclaimed, but his words came out in a stifled gasp. The wound was bright red and inflamed, with the opening leaking with pus and blood. "What do you mean, 'It's nothing'?" He practically yelled, becoming more assertive as he overcame the shock of seeing the wound for the first time "If you had waited to clean it for any longer, it would've been infected!"

"I-i'm sorry Dabi," said Tomura quietly. The blue haired man sounded as if he was on the verge of tears, "I didn't realize it was that bad."

Dabi, who was ready to badger Tomura about neglecting self care--AGAIN--stopped what he was doing and sighed softly.

"It's okay," he said, reaching out and stroking Tomura's hair gently, "You're getting better."

That much was true. Before Dabi and Tomura started dating, Tomura had a habit of neglecting his self-care and personal well-being, as no one had been there to teach him how important those things were as a child. But now, with the relationship that the two of them had, Tomura had been slowly improving, setting aside more time for himself and for Dabi.

"Now," said Dabi, "This is gonna sting, alright?" He poured some alcohol onto a cotton ball and cleaned the wound. Tomura let out a little grunt of discomfort but didn't say anything else. The taller man bound Tomura's shoulder with a bandage, curling his arms around his body when he was done and wrapping him into a tight hug.

"There," he said, "You're all good."

Tomura nodded, taking off the hand that usually kept on his face. He pulled Dabi's face around his right shoulder and kissing him softly on the lips.

"Now," he said, "I'm sure you want to know about the mission."

"Of course," Dabi said smiling. In the past few months, their relationship had become somewhat like a routine, with both individuals continuously fretting over the other's well-being. And with the flesh wound and late arrival, Dabi definitely needed to hear the full story of what happened on the mission. He let go of Tomura and the two walked over the couch that Dabi had waited on. Tomura sat down and Dabi curled around him protectively, as if he wanted to protect his boyfriend from any harm that would come their way.

They sat there in silence for a few seconds before Tomura spoke.

"Well," he said, "It all started off pretty well. The mission was an easy one--minus the risk factor of course--and I had no trouble getting in the building as Kurogiri teleported me past all of the security.

"Once I was inside, it was pretty simple as well, as all I had to do was download the security footage of the hero and police meeting that had taken place earlier that morning. And since I was already in the archive room that no one ever bothered to go in, I could take as long as I needed.

"However, as you know, Kurogiri was unable to teleport me back, and well, I got caught while I was escaping. Fortunately, it was only an unimportant security guard who didn't recognize me, but Unfortunately, my arm got caught on the fence while I was escaping and...this--" he motioned to the bandage covering his left shoulder-- "happened."

Dabi kissed Tomura's shoulder gently, careful not to touch where the cut was. "Did you get the file out safely?" he asked. While his boyfriends safety was his number one priority, the mission was also something he cared about.

Tomura nodded, and reached into his pants pocket, pulling out a small silver flashdrive and handing it to Dabi. "We can look through it with the team later but, from what I saw, it's not going to be easy to get him," Tomura sadly.

"We'll find a way, I know we will," said Dabi. He could sense the despair in Tomra's voice and didn't want the other man to be unsatisfied after such a dangerous mission.

"And even if we don't" he added, "We'll still get by without him."

He felt a tear drop on his arm and he looked at Tomura, only to find that tears were streaming down the other man's face. He lifted a hand to Tomura's face and wiped away the tears from the man's red eyes. But Tomura kept crying in odd, kiccupy sobs.

"He...<sob>...just has done so much for me and if...<sob>...I...<sob>...don't do the same for him I just feel like...<sob>...I just..." he trailed off, breaking up as his crying intensified.

Dabi nuzzled his chin into Tomura's collarbone, stroking his face softly as if to try and erase the tears.

"It's gonna be okay," he said gently, pulling his boyfriend even closer to him. "Everything's gonna be okay."

They stayed there for a few minutes, curled up around each other in the corner of the couch. And with every passing moment, Tomura's sobs softened, until the stopped altogether.

"See? It's all okay," Dabi said quietly.

Tomura's cracked lips broke into a small smile, not one that Dabi could see from where he rested, but one that he could feel, as if the action alone had surrounded Tomura's body with a mystical aura. He snuggled closer to Tomura and pressed kisses against his collarbone, making Tomura's smile grow.

"Dabi?" asked Tomura, his voice suddenly tinted with happiness.

"Yes Shiggy?" Dabi said, tilting his head awkwardly just so he could see his boyfriend's beautiful face.

"Do you think we should go wash my shirt? Having it soak in blood all night is probably not the best for the material."

Dabi laughed, surprised by the pettiness of the question after such an intense conversation.

"But you're sooooo comfortable!!!" he objected, pulling his boyfriend towards him tightly.

"You've got a point..." said Tomura, leaning his head back and resting it on Dabi's shoulder. "Perhaps we should stay here a little...longer..."

But curled up next to each other on the the couch, the two found themselves slowly drifting to sleep, each surrounded by the comforting warmth of the person that they loved.

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