She noticed that he was still dressed formally, he must be at work, or somewhere else. She didn't want to think why he would be at work this late. She didn't want to know where else he could have been. She tried to focus on her phone but every movement he made was on the forefront of her brain.

The way he turned on the indicator, the way he turned the wheel, the way his fingers tapped on the steering wheel when he liked a song that was playing in the background. God damn it Rose, stop being so pathetic.

Before she knew it, he had pulled over into the familiar car park outside her apartment.

"Thank you." it was a lot for her to say that she almost had to force it out of her. She wasn't trying to be rude, she just didn't want to talk.

"Don't mention it."

She couldn't get out of the car fast enough, fishing out her keys before she undid her seat belt. Adrian waited till she had disappeared behind both gates, and the apartment concealed her before he drove off. He realised then that she was still unhappy at him.

* * *

Rose stared at the coffee machine. It was almost three in the afternoon and somehow customers were still rolling into the cafe. She was tempted to tell them that the coffee machine was already turned off, but it wasn't. She had to wait another half an hour before she could turn it off, and then she wouldn't have to do this till tomorrow.

She sighed leaning against the counter, she really needed to find another job. But between working her four current jobs, she had no time to apply, let alone fix that resume.

She looked up as the cafe door jingled as someone walked in. She stood up trying to seem more professional, and not that she was just about to fall asleep at the counter. Working in a coffee shop meant that she could have as much drinks as she wanted, and even then she was about to fall asleep.

"Can I get four skinny cappuccinos, one cafe mocha and two soy chai?"

Rose suppressed another groan she felt coming, she hated long orders. She had to somehow make all the milk the same temperature so the first coffee she made didn't cool down by the last coffee. She glanced at the clock, after this order maybe she can sneakily turn the machine off, and get ready for her second job.

If serving customers in a cafe was bad, Rose hated serving customers in a bar even more.

But thats what you had to do if you wanted to save up, and Rose needed to save up big time.

She rushed towards the bus stop, she knew she was going to be late, again. She just hopped her boss wasn't going to be mad at her. But this dress was really a two man's job to put on. The benefit of working at a high end bar meant that you got to dress pretty decent. Rose's uniform was a simple sleeveless, navy blue dress that stuck to the right places, and hid all her imperfections. It was easy to move in, with a little 'v' cut revealing the slightest hint of skin. Her hair was neatly in a bun, and a shade of rose lipstick on her lips.

The downside was that the men that could afford these drinks thought they could also afford anything else in the world they wanted. Luckily enough, she was usually left alone. There were far more beautiful and willing patrons in the bar that got their attention.

Rose rushed through the back door, down the small corridor, "Is Mike around?"

"He's not in yet." A fellow colleague in a skimpier, tighter version of her dress said as she coated her lips in hot pink. Rose let out the breathe she was holding.Thank god, she might get away without being told she was ten minutes late, which could mean a hefty hour taken off her pay. Mike was like that.

Rose shoved her belongings hastily into the locker, locking it and putting on her badge. "See you out there."

The other woman barely hummed as she pouted her lips in the mirror.

Rose took her position behind the counter, her job mainly consisted of making extravagant drinks that were carried out by people like Miranda to their guests. She was glad in a way, that she could just hide out and do her drinks.

The first few hours of the night were always quiet, they were never that busy till it was nearing midnight. Then, Rose didn't even have a chance to take a sip of water as orders came through. With high wealthy individuals ordering these drinks, the turn around time was in seconds. She did most of her preparation in the quiet time, pre make the decorations on the glasses, make and chill some cocktails so all she had to do was pour in the alcohol. She wasn't meant to do it but she was yet to be told otherwise.

"Rose? Rose!"

Rose looked up as Mike came barging in, with a woman behind him in tears.

"I need you out there now!"

"Out where?"

"In the front now! Swap with Kylie. She's having a bad night." Rose pursed her lips.

She didn't want to be a the front.

Chapter Three

Adrian woke up, it was ten to one in the morning. He couldn't sleep. It wasn't any different to the past few months, it was almost like a clockwork when he woke up.

He groaned rolling in bed onto his stomach. The window was open, letting a semi lukewarm breeze into the room grazing against his bare back. It was too hot to sleep. Or maybe his mind was too occupied to get some sleep.

Adrian rose out of bed, walking towards his open window. His apartment was quite high up, which means he had a breathtaking view of the city. His eyes roamed from left to right, looking at the other high rise buildings that were scattered to the right. To the left was the Docklands pier, lit up by the lights on the bridges.

What are you doing right now? His mind wandered. Are you sleeping?

* * *

Rose placed the last glass on the counter. It was clean, her feet hurt and her head was throbbing from the loud music.

Normally she didn't have to do front service, it meant she didn't have to work in these two inch heels. Today was different, her feet were surely going to have blisters and she was going to embrace calf cramps or feet cramps for the three hours sleep she was going to get, before she started her shift in the morning again.

"See you John."

"Hey Rose, do you want a ride home?"

Rose was tempted, she could save money going home. Tonight she was beyond tired to walk but the past few days she already had a few encounters she didn't want.

"I've already ordered a cab sorry. Thank you, definitley next time we work back this late." which hopefully was never. She was meant to finish an hour ago, but at least she gets paid for it. Ringing the familiar number she let the cab company know the address. She had enough time to get her personal belongings from the locker, and as she stepped outside the cab was already there.

Settling into the warm interior, she tried not to settle against the window and fall asleep. Instead, she tried calling Ivory again. Where the hell was she? Was she ok?

Insta: imsooverpolice + nkpockett

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