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Alright let's get this thing going. I don't own anything but the story line. It's a continuation from my other story "Welcome to the Manor". It will follow that story line further and answer some questions. I think that's it. Ok let's do this.

Clark's pov:
I wasn't really sure why I was invited to this fundraiser. I get that I'm a reporter but it just didn't make sense. It wasn't a huge fundraiser and Bruce didn't tell me anything about Justice League business. Normally he will only invite me if it's a huge party or if we need to discuss a problem. But he always tells me before hand.

I asked him why he wanted me to come and he just said because. And he not only invited me but he invited the rest of the original seven to come too. That didn't make any sense. He invited Oliver but he always invites Oliver. I mean he's Oliver Queen. I'm not sure if he knows Bruce's identity but his protégé Roy definitely knows about the identity of the batkids and therefore Bruce but I'm not sure if Oliver is in on it.

I don't know what he's planning but I have a feeling it can't be good. I've only been to the Manor for parties three times. Then I was there to babysit and it was a horrible experience. I know his kids will be there and that makes me uncomfortable. They terrify me. I'm hoping that this night will end well but I have a slight feeling that it won't.

Barry's pov:
When Bruce called and asked me to come to his fundraiser at the Manor I almost fainted. He's never invited me to the Manor other than the babysitting thing.

I have to bring Wally too because Bruce said that it will give me a reason to be there because to the public Dick and Wally are friends. I know better after being at the Manor last time. Wally and I had a talk and then Dick started coming over for dinners and Wally goes over to the Manor a lot. I'm not exactly a fan but Iris told me that they're kids so I need to calm down. It didn't help but I'm trying.

I don't know what he's got planned but I pretty sure I don't want to be involved. But who can say no to Bruce Wayne?

Diana pov:
"Diana Prince" I say as I walk up to the entrance of the Wayne Manor. The man at the door hands me a little card, for funds I think, and then motions me inside.

I'm not happy to be here. I didn't really want to come but Bruce insisted. He told me it was a thank you for watching his children while he was away. I don't believe that. I had to press him for the information and I know he didn't tell the others that because we've already talked. Even if it's true in his mind I dislike fundraisers. By dislike I mean completely loathe. However, it's only one night so I guess I can make it through this one. And I mean one.

I was so lost in thought that I didn't notice someone talking to me. I looked over and saw Dick Grayson. He had Wally West and Roy Harper next to him. I could see his Brothers Jason and Damian behind him a little ways away. Lurking almost. The girl Barbra was also there to the right of the boys in the back.

"Sorry. What was that?" I asked when I realized that they were waiting for me to respond. I saw Damian roll his eyes and heard Jason scoff.

"How have you been Ms. Prince?" Dick asked me with a sweet tone. Very respectful. I was going to ask him why that was but I then remembered that we're at a public fundraiser.

"I've been lovely, Dick thank you for asking. And you?" I managed in as nice as a voice as I could do. It's not that I don't like the children. I'm just not used to these formalities.

"Oh we're fantastic Ms. Prince." Dick looked at around and saw a group of reporters walking up. He smiled then continued. "We are so happy that you could make it tonight. We've missed you being at the house" He smirked. A wicked smirk. Now I recognize the boy that I had spent a little over a weekend with.

Welcome to the manor part 2Where stories live. Discover now