"WOULD YOU FUCKING STOP IT!" My voice rang out in a screech as my fist reared back and made direct contact with his face. He went flying backward, coughing up blood when he slammed into a nearby boulder. His body formed a large crater in it, cracks webbing it from where his bleeding form was.

I stood, panting heavily as I glared in his direction. I still held my hands in fists as I stared, anger and frustration clearly painted across my features.

"Whoa, (y/n), stop!" King exclaimed, getting ready to fly out toward me and defuse the battle. However, he was stopped by Meli.

"Calm down, there, King," he said, holding the brunette's arm. "The Eight Laws of the Eight Deadly Sins: Law 5. If two Sins are in a disagreement, they can resolve it in a fight."

"But Captain! They're both pissed- they're going to kill each other!"

"If they try to, then we intervene," the blonde shrugged, "Law 6."

The Grizzly Sin sighed begrudgingly, hanging back and allowing Ban and I to continue our fight. I was still standing, and it seemed Ban had just healed all the way.

"WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM?!" He demanded, to which I growled, shooting toward him.


I was now in front of him, throwing a kick. He barely managed to block it, skidding to the side, creating canals in the earth. He glared at me, and I glared right back.

We proceeded to go hand to hand, throwing lightning-fast kicks and punches in each other's direction. We blocked and counterattacked constantly, sometimes dodging or accidentally blocking one another's attacks with our own. It would be lying to say the battle wasn't fierce, and I hadn't noticed right away, but we seemed to have made our own arena. There was a large crater- similar to the one Ban made in the boulder, but much larger- in the ground below us, which grew increasingly deeper with each of the collisions of our hands. Somehow, I had managed to land the first direct hit. He slammed into the side of our "ring", creating a crater in the crater.

We were both panting at this point, our arms slightly bruised and our legs smudged with dirt. I didn't give him a chance to recover, pouncing on him the instant he went flying.

"Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" I repeated the phrase each time my fist pounded into his annoyingly attractive face. I was straddling him, face contorted in rage as I hit him as hard as I could. His face collapsed in on itself, healed partially, then collapsed again.

Suddenly, he wrapped one of his hands around the wrist I was throwing a punch with. I went to throw one with my other one, but he caught that one as well. He flipped us over, putting us in a rather compromising position. My legs were still wrapped around his waist, and he was hovering over me, holding both of my arms down on either side of my head. I would've been embarrassed if I hadn't been so pissed.

"Get off me!" I seethed, struggling under him. He held my arms firmly, and one of his knees was pressed up against my ass, preventing me from moving my legs.

"(Y/N)!" He growled, "Stop it!"

"No, you stop it!" I shouted back, pushing his crotch up against mine. His eyes widened, and I took the opportunity. I shoved my arms upward, causing him to lose his balance and fall on top of me. At the same time, I removed one of my legs from its position around his waist, shoving my knee upward against his stomach. He coughed up blood, momentarily remaining where he was before shooting upward. I steadied myself, then followed him.

I met him midair, and he threw a half-hearted punch, which I easily dodged. I growled angrily.

"Take me seriously!" I shouted, throwing a kick which sent him flying downward. "Blaze Storm!"

Greed and Despond (Ban x Sin!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now