Needless Death

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She watches as her home is destroyed,
Is poisoned,
Is polluted,
Is depleted

Her kind is hunted,
Her family, her friends, everyone she loves, hunted
And for what?
Just because of a bad rap?
Because of the media being too dramatic?

Why does that give someone the rights to destroy another's home?
To slaughter families?
Who decides who dies, and who lives?

Her kind slaughtered for sport,
For fun,
And out of fear,
The fear of 'kill or be killed'

They don't seem to understand that is not always true,
How that doesn't mean you kill everything you are afraid of,
It means that if you are being killed, then you can fight back

But what those people are doing is not self defense

They are polluting her home, they are killing her kind, they are even killing other kinds!
With hardly any remorse,
The ones killing have no remorse,
They only see the bodies as a waste of resources

Who can save her home?
Her friends?
Her people?
Who can save the oceans and its creatures?

Who can stop the needless killing of sharks?
Of sea turtles?
Of whales?
Of dolphins?
Of the oceans?

Who can stand up and stop the death and destruction?
Who will stand up?

When the oceans are depleted, they are gone forever,
When the animals are continuously slaughtered, they will be gone forever

Who can stop this?
Who can change a whole species's thinking?
Who will save those who cannot save themselves?

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