Consequences of a Broken Promise

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                                                                               Let your hair flow,

                                                                      Wink at the photographers,

                                                                         Twirl your skirt around,

                                                                           And be on your way.

                                                                    You're as beautiful as a rose

I quickly picked up the wet notebook, and quickly ran away from the scene. Green locks of hair going everywhere in front of me. But behind those locks of hair, from the corner of my eye, I saw someone there. 


I harshly clenched my fists, turning the once pale skin, into a rosier hue. Long locks of emerald hair went everywhere, litering the bright floor. My skin shivered, part of my back exposed to the chilly classroom temperature. Gritting my teeth, I slowly turned around, revealing Katsuki, with his sneering smile, looking down at what he had done. My pitiful face elicited and boisterous laugh from Bakugo, his grin seeming to grow impossibly wider. 

"K-Kacchan," My voice quivered, making me seem weaker. How pathetic.

"I told you not to try out for U.A. Don't make me repeat myself, worthless Deku." His words flew into my chest like small arrows. Bakugo turned around, walking away. Leaving me with the echoes of his feet stomping down the hallway.

Locks of green hair seemed to use up all the space in the trash can.


I tentatively pushed my short pale fingers against the scratched wooden door. The said door creaked open, my emerald eyes peeking through the crack that slowly got bigger. My fingers tightened around my beige bag, scanning the hallway for my mom. But to no avail. My face contorted into a frown, pushing my lower lip out and sighing verbally. My fingers loosened around my bag, and my feet creaked on the wooden floor. Closing the door behind me, my hand reached down to my black shoes, slender fingers slipping in between my heel and the shoe. The tap of the shoes falling onto the wooden floor echoed throughout the silenced house, the hallways unusually eerie. Eyes peeking through every open door, my feet finally arrived in front of my bedroom door. My hands settled on the cool, metal door knob, turning it around with a small creak. Gently walking towards my bed, the centerpiece of the unusually plain bedroom. Roughly laying my bag against the light brown wall, my fingers grabbed the spine of my notebook, which was now only slightly moist. Plopping myself on my bed with a flop, my fingers flipped through my hero notes, smoothing each page carefully with my thumb. My small hands reached for the long, nonexistent strands of emerald green hair. Realizing that the only thing left was the fluff of hair near my ears, I clenched my fist, remembering the incident with Bakugo only a few hours ago. Closing my notebook, not really interested in heroes right now, I returned it to the bag, that was filled to the brim with other thin journals. Laying my head on the soft, fluffy white pillow, small fluffs of green hair still remained, taking refuge on the bed. 

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