Relatable posts

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Okay, so, I wanted to share some relatable posts because I think they're funny. Don't worry- they're clean. Free of swear words. Enjoy.

Here they are. I'll just put them in numerical order.

1. Smiling at old people so they think you're not a teenage thug.

2. When your sarcasm is so advanced that people think you're stupid.

3. When you accidentally let go of a balloon and it floats away.

4. When I see someone do math without a calculater- "WITCHCRAFT!"

5. When I say something weird and then realize what I just said.

6. When you spend all night doing a project due the next day and the teacher doesn't collect it.

7.  When you're walking alone and a car slows down next to you for no reason.

8. When I'm watching a scary movie and the main character has no common sense.

9. Oh that's funny... last week you said you hated her and now you're best friends?

10.  When you find a hair on your food.

I'm only gonna put 10 for now. I'll update every week. I found these on google images. You can see them all here:

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2014 ⏰

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