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Henry Hart got back to his base around 4 am. The large bunker was a buzz with his partners and supporters ready to move to Swellview and take back the original base of Rick Twitlers "project" He walked through the door greeted by a couple thousand people telling him how quickly the news was spreading he nodded once then took a deep breath before annoucing

"We will head for Swellview at noon please be prepared for possible complications and keep the wepons you have to a low." There  was a silence as there leader spoke then loud cheers filled the underground bunker. Henry quickly returned to his room to pack but not before being interrupted by one of his officers in fact she was his head officer and favorite and she might also be his girlfriend for the past 4 years.

"Veronica is something the matter?" He ask slowly seeing the terrified look on her face.

"V you look like you just saw someone get shot come here and sit down." The tall blond pulled the girl aside and helped her sit. She buried her face in her hands.

"Jason was killed during the riot in New York they poisoned him! And now you want to go to Swellview and get yourself killed Henry!!!" The blonds eyebrows knitt together thoughtfully before pulling the girl to his chest and rubbing her back softly before muttering kindly

"Hey why don't you and I go upstairs and you can help me pack. Ill run the plan by you so your prepared okay." She nodded meekly before standing up and following her soon to be fiance up the stairs. Once they had reached the top floor they exited the small wooden elevator together finding themselves in the large room they sometimes shared. Henry smiled and gestured to a small gray sofa I n the center of the room telling her to sit she looked at the coffee table in front of her.  It wasn't it's English oak surface that grabbed her attention it was the blue print that sat in front of her. She picked them up haistley flipping through pages and pages of notes before setting them down and staring into her boyfriend's amber almost golden eyes.

"That's our new base, It will be located 1 mile below the Swellview sign and will be 15 miles deep and 30 miles long. We'll be able to have more recruits and the place in general will be a little bit more high tech a scientist I met with figured out how to create a private internet server so we will have access to that but only in our room and the library Wich will be in the 5th floor." Henry smiled as the frown dissaperd from the girls face. Her eyes sparked with exitment as she jumped up from the couch

"Well what are you doing just sitting around boy we gotta pack."

It took 8 hours for the large group to filter out the bunker undected sending groups of 2 or 3 at a time. When Henry Hart finnally turned the lock on there former home he felt a small pang of sadness but quickly brushed it off for today was the day he would finnally return to his childhood home today he would find himself officially happy.


Ray Manchester was both confused and compleatly overjoyed by the news article that lay in front of him Schwoz and Charlotte. He had read it probably 100 times over already and everytime a new hope sparked in him. His boy was safe ...His boy was coming home...His boy was alive. These were the thoughts that continued to run through his mind. Well except for the childish thoughts about how the boys would be able to go back to there crime fighting ways, how he would finnally manage to get Henry and Charlotte together. But even with these good thoughts others followed. What if he can't do it? What if he gets hurt? What if it's not really him? Ray Manchester was not one to second guess himself but so much was on the line here. He turned his face to see Charlotte looking up eyes closed and breathing slowly in and out of her mouth. Ray was shocked when her mouth open

"He came to my house, The night before. He wanted to talk said he had some stuff on his mind. We talked and talked for hours and then before he left...he-he....He kissed me." The grown man watched in horror as a small tear trickled down her chocolate skin.

"He said "I love you" I usually say it back but...I didn't I stayed silent. I just want him back Ray...." Raymond looked at the girl then to the floor before saying

"He's coming back Charlotte." For the next hour the Man Cave was filed with tears and this wasn't the first time. But this was more theese weren't tears of sadness or grief no regret filled the sobs the echoed around them no. These were tears of joy. Sobs of relief for Henry Hart would soon be there's once more.


Jasper Dunlop laughed mentally at the teenage girl who was pacing the old junk store. Her blond hair falling In her face making her quickly brush it back with her hands she continued this for a while before turning to Jasper

"Uhh...she's been gone almost an hour now. Should we be worried?" The 22 year old boy smiled

"No Piper she's okay." Piper smiled

"Okay then I guess I should head home you know how Mrs Hendricks gets when I get home late." She laughs and turns to walk out the door but is stopped by each and every one of Street light glowing a violent red color as sirens filled the streets. Suddenly President Twitlers voice fills the street in under rage. The intercom crackles with every sylable that  leaves his mouth. Jasper quickly leaves his spot behind the counter to protect his beloved friends sister

"CITEZENS YOUR UNDER ATTACK TAKE SHELTER DO NOT LEAVE THE CURRENT BUILDING YOU ARE IN ANYONE FOUND ON THE STREETS WILL BE PUNISHED THIS IS NOT A DRILL PREPARE YOURSELVES." Suddenly his boss is next to him with Charlotte tagging along behind. The intercom let's out with a large squeak making the group plug there ears in pain. When it's over they all turn to each other. Muttering the same thing under there breaths

"That was fast." They each huffed staring out the glass door the only light being several street lights glowing a blood red under the Swellview night sky.

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