A Heist in London

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        The brothers Drake walk up the steps of the British Museum in Bloomsbury, London, England. There was a rather large crowd in and out of the museum, presumably due to the discovery of Prince Nennius's body and the supposed Crocea Mors. Fortunately, they blended right on in with the crowd and no one would be too suspicious of them when they got close to Prince Nennius's body and stayed there for longer than normal. However, the brothers take their time walking through the museum as they did not want to bring attention to themselves by pushing through to get to Prince Nennius's corpse. Even though they took their time getting to Prince Nennius's corpse, it wasn't for naught. The rest of the exhibits were actually pretty interesting to look at. Eventually, they get to the display of Prince Nennius.

"Not surprised it's mostly bones and tattered clothes," Sam comments when he gets a good look.

"Hey Sam, look at the shield. There's something in the hole that Crocea Mors made," Nathan says quietly. He didn't want anyone else to hear in case there were others looking for the real Crocea Mors like they were. Sam peers closer.

"Oh yeah, it looks like a scroll. Odd..." Sam says. A moment of silence passes between the brothers before they look at each other. They walk a little ways away from the display.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Nathan asks.

"We pullin' a heist tonight?" Sam asks, grinning a bit. Nathan nods.

"Yeah. Well, maybe tomorrow night. We need to see the patrol of the security guards tonight. Also, we need to find a way in AND get the key to open the display, take the scroll and put everything back to normal," Nathan says.

"Well, I think if we stay long enough, we can catch the loops and see how long a guard stays in this area as well as how much time we have before a new one enters," Sam points out.

"Alright. That's one thing. But there's still two issues - the key and getting in," Nathan says.

"Easy - there's a vent above us. We do it like we did in the Rossi Estate. Just... No gun fight hopefully. Don't wanna kill these innocent security guards," Sam says. Nate snorted hearing Sam's solution.

"Typical thief entrance. Though I suppose the key would be in the security office... Wouldn't it?" Nate thinks out.

"Most likely little brother. So I think we can pull the heist off tonight. Time to watch the security," Sam says. With a nod, the two bothers split to watch the various security guard loops while not standing out like a sore thumb to the security guards. However, there was a figure in the crowd that had been watching the brothers Drake and overheard their conversation. The figure leaves before they could be spotted and hurries outside to report to their higher ups what they had just discovered. They wouldn't be stopping the Drakes. They would not interfere as the Drakes needed to prove themselves in their little heist. That was an order given by the figure's higher up.

Later That Night...

Nathan and Samuel were in all black, both wearing black gloves as they didn't want to leave fingerprints once they touched the glass. Or anywhere for that matter. Less evidence they left behind, the better. Sam even pulls on a black beanie and Nathan just looks at his brother.

"You might as well put on the little face mask at this point with the get up you got going. Maybe even even switch your shirt to a black and white striped one," Nathan comments. Sam rolls his eyes.

"Don't particularly feel like leaving hairs all over. I never understood the striped shirt. All black, the gloves and the beanie? Definitely," Sam says.

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