Chapter 2

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  Eventually Zack’s attention veered back to the matter at hand as the airline hostess tried to reason with the two women passengers. “Ladies, please. The plane is nearly ready to debark, and everyone must find his or her seat and get buckled in.”
       She turned a pleading gaze toward Jane, who seemed the more amenable of the two. “ma’am, if you would agree to give up your seat, I promise you a first-class meal and complimentary drinks from here to san Francisco.”
          “Throw in a free ticket for a future flight, and you’ve got a bargain,” Jane told her.
        “I’ll do my best,” the stewardess promised. “Thank you.”
     “What about my manager?”   Diana Gomez persisted. She gestured toward the short, rotund man waiting silently behind her. “Eduardo was to have a seat with me. We have much business to discuss.”
   “I’m sorry, miss Gomez, but…”
     “No problem. Make me the same deal you made did for the lovely lady, and Miss Gomez’s manager can have my seat,” Zack offered.
       Diana graced him with a brilliant smile, her eyes quickly assessing and approving his dark good looks. “At last!” she purred. “A man who knows how to be a gentleman! I will have Eduardo reward your generosity by providing you with a free ticket to the concert I will be giving in Hawaii this weekend.”
        “That’s very gracious of you, Miss Gomez. Unfortunately, my layover there will only be for as long as it takes to refuel.” His regret was genuine. Though Diana had yet to prove her worth as an actress, she was indisputably one of the best recording artists to come along in the past decade. Her rich alto voice, low and sultry, turned a simple song into a seduction. Zack already owned both her CDs, and was looking forward to the release of the next. ‘
       “I wouldn’t mind an autograph for my daughter, however,” he suggested as an alternative. “Her name is Belle.” “And what is yours?” Diana asked with a come-hither look.
“Do you really have a daughter, or is the autograph for you? “I could sign it, ‘to Zack with the sexy gold eyes.’”
     “Oh, for heaven’s sake!” Jane groused. “If you want this seat so badly, Lolita, I suggest you postpone the flirtation and let me out of it. You’re blocking the aisle.”
     Diana’s smile instantly transformed into a glare, which she turned toward Jane. “My name is Diana. A-li-ta!” she stressed.
     “And mine is Jane. Jane, “Jane mimicked. “And you’re still in my way. Unless you’ve changed your mind and want to sit elsewhere.”
       Though the starlet’s glower remained, she stepped back just far enough to allow Jane to vacate the seat. As Jane reached for the overhead compartment, the stewardess offered, “I’ be happy to bring your things back to you later, ma’am.”
  “No thanks,” Jane told her. “Unlike some people, I’m used to carrying my own weight around, as opposed to throwing it around.”
        Collecting his briefcase, Zack relinquished his own seat and followed Jane down the aisle to the rear of the aircraft. As he settled once more into an empty seat opposite to hers, the young black service man next to him leaned nearer and whispered, “Is the fox with you?”
   Zack gave a low chuckle. “No such luck.”
  Familiar with the phenomenon that frequently compelled travelers to converse with complete strangers often to the point of revealing intimate details their captive audience had no wish to hear-Zack quickly removed a sheaf of papers from his briefcase, and his reading glasses from the pocket of his sport jacket, and began to study the notes on the hotel complex he was to build in Las Vegas.
         Across the aisle Jane was biding her time until take-off. Scared flyer she was, she knew she could not be able to relax until they were airborne. Reminding herself that, statistically, more people were killed on highways than in air disasters, didn’t help ease the jitters very much. To alleviate her own nervousness, she concentrated on her fellow passengers, wondering with envy how so many of them could seem so calm.
            Jane had always been an inveterate people-watcher. Not that she was particularly nosy; other people and other cultures simply intrigued her, she found the varying customs, mode of dress, foods, languages, and mannerisms fascinating. While someone else might be bored to tears upon observing a Japanese tea ceremony, Jane would have been enthralled. She’d once sat practically mesmerized through a day-long presentation of Native American dances complete with drums, chanting, and authentic costumes. Afterward, she’d incorporated some of the unique Indian artistry, the colors and patterns, into a special line of clothing for her boutique. At the Olympics in Georgia, a virtual globe melting-pot, she’d ecstatically garnered many additional ideas for her business.
        Now, she sat observing those around her, her sharp green gaze taking all the subtle nuances that hinted at the character of the people around her. Coming down the aisle was a Japanese gentleman in a suit undoubtedly custom-tailored, so fine was the material and so perfect the fit, which led Jane to thinking he was a very precise person. Behind him was a fellow, either a native Australian or a wanna-be Aussie, in a tan bush outfit and hat. Further on, blocking the passage way was a heavy-set woman dressed in stretch pants and a horizontal-striped blouse which only accentuated her weight problem. Jane couldn’t help but wince at the picture she represented, her fingers literally itching to take the woman in hand. A good diet and exercise program, proper clothing and a more complimentary hairstyle, all of which were right up Jane’s alley, would make a world of difference.
         A few rows up, a young couple was trying to settle their toddler between them. The little girl, complete with toothy grin and dimples and a frilly pink jumpsuit, was absolutely precious! She was also having too much fun waving and babbling at the two elderly people in the seat behind her to want to sit down.
            Jane’s heart gave a painful twinge. She’d miscarried two years ago, and hadn’t gotten pregnant since, which was probably a blessing now, considering the divorce. Still, she looked at that darling child and felt tears stinging at the back of her eyelids. How she’d wanted a baby! A family all her own, upon which to shower all her love.
         Seeing the older couple, their snow-white heads so close together, turn to each other and share an adoring smile, only made Jane feel worse. From all indications, they had the relationship she wanted, the one she’d thought she’d had. A love so secure that it could only grow stronger through the years. Mutual devotion between life-long mates.
        Jane swiped at an errant tear, angry at herself for letting her ragged feelings get the better of her. Sniffling, she delved into her hand bag for a tissue. Failing to find even one among the multitude of items overflowing the purse, she heaved a sigh of disgust. Suddenly a white cloth appeared before her.


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