Murderous Mission

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Emmy Altava was in shock. Her denial of the truth had finally caught up with her. All had been well and Emmy could almost pretend she wasn't part of Targent. The new orders she received changed all of that. 

She was to kill Luke Triton. 

Emmy looked at the boy bouncing excitedly in front of her. The bright lights and colors of Monte D'or were something out of a child's dream. She tried her hardest not to look at him, to harden her mind and view Luke as an enemy. What had Luke ever done to hurt her? How could Luke hurt anyone? Why would Uncle Leon want him dead? 

It was a test. Emmy realized this mission was a test of her loyalty. She was getting too close with the targets. 

The trio headed back to the Camel Hump Inn. They all went to bed but Emmy remained awake. She waited for hours until it was nearly three am. Sure that both Luke and Layton were asleep, she took her chance. 

Emmy decided that smothering him would be the best tactic. It wouldn't leave and obvious murder weapon or any marks on the body. It would just look like Luke had died in his sleep. 

Even if anyone realized his death was foul play it would be blamed on the Masked Gentleman. As a way of trying to get Layton to give up the investigation. 

She took a pillow and slowly inched her way to Luke's bed. Rolling her feet down so she didn't make a sound. The walk to Luke seemed to take forever until she was finally at his bedside. Emmy looked at the strange person in front of her without recognition. He was just another nameless target.

What was she doing? Emmy dropped the pillow. She couldn't do it, she couldn't kill Luke. 

The little blue boy began to stir. Emmy froze when he groggily opened his eyes, sat up and asked "Emmy? What's wrong?" 

She paused, staring at her intended target. Before sitting down next to him on the bed and saying "I had a nightmare." 

"Oh" Luke said, a little surprised. "Can I help?" He asked. Emmy smiled and said "You can." 

She hugged Luke and wouldn't let go. Slightly muffled Luke said "What was your nightmare about?" Emmy paused once again, finally she said "You getting hurt." "Ah, that's why you came to me." 

The two lay back onto the bed in a blue and yellow lump. As they drifted off Emmy whispered "I really do care about you second assistant, a little too much."

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