your quirk

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Your quirk is=
•you can shape shift into any person or animal!
•comes in handy with different missions
•since this quirk doesn't help to much on strength you know acrobats and martail arts moves to help keep your game up!

Advantages with this quirk=

•you can pretend to be someone to get into certain places (you shape shift into the clothes and objecta they had on as well but the moment you go back to normal the clothes and objects disappear)
•you can be hidden really well
•is fun to play pranks in the U.A. dorms with your class (1-A)

•you might run into the other person if not careful
•many people say you should be a villian instead your quirk would be good for that but...nah!

Your outfit! This will be fun!
For female storys this is your oufit! A grey (I change color lol) crop top sweater like the one below, biker gloves, with a black skirt, brown boots and a gun and knife holster with your hair half up half down!

Your outfit! This will be fun! For female storys this is your oufit! A grey (I change color lol) crop top sweater like the one below, biker gloves, with a black skirt, brown boots and a gun and knife holster with your hair half up half down!

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