Chapter Nine

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9. Is it Love?, Happiness to Jealousy


For the past couple of days, Trey and I have been doing great. Although, we haven't offically announced or talked about what our titles are for each other. It seems weird sometimes because I'm going out or dating with a person I've known my whole life and yet when we are together it feels like we just met. I don't know what it is exactly, but it kinda feels beautiful and magical in a way.


I was at home watching tv until I heard a knock on the door. It was so early in the morning and I really wasn't expecting anyone. I went to go open the door and there was Jhene and Hazel. It's funny because I haven't seen or spoken to Jhene or Hazel in the last two and a half years. I wonder what they have been up to lately, that would make them come to my house and tell me.

"Well if it isn't my two best friend Jhene and Hazel.'' I said.

"I'm guess that you aren't happy to see us." Hazel said.

"Gee, you think." I said.

"Ok. That's why we came here to see you. I mean after the whole Vince things two years ago, we didn't know how you would feel. So we left you alone until you calmed down." Jhene said.

"For some reason, I don't find that convincing." I said.

"Please Mixx, just give us a chance." Hazel said.

I sighed. "Ok fine, but only because I'm in a good mood and don't want you guys to ruin it.'' I said walking away from the door.

I could tell that they wanted to know what was wrong with me, but I wasn't going to tell them even if I wanted too. I went into the kitchen to make me a snack and then I went back to watching tv. Jhene and Hazel were still there and I still wasn't talking to them.

"Oh come on, Mixx at least talk to us." Jhene said.

"I have nothing to say." I said.

"Well if you don't talk to us, then I guess you don't want to hear the greatest news." Hazel said.

"What news? You didn't tell me that there were any news." Jhene said.

"Ok. I'm getting married." Hazel said.

"What?" I questioned.

"Wait what? And to who?" Jhene asked.

"Anthony." Hazel admitted.

"I'm sorry did you just say Anthony as in our friend Anthony." I said.

"Yep that's the one." Hazel said.

"Are you fucking kidding me? I mean when did you guys even start dating?" I asked.

"We've been together since high school, we never told you guys becaue we thought that you might judge us considering that I said that I hate him to every last drop of blood in my body." Hazel said.

"But that still doesn't make any sense." Jhene said.

"I know but its the truth and I love him and I can't help but be with him for the rest of my life.'' Hazel said.

"Aww that sounds so sweet." I said.

"That sounds so disgusting." Jhene said.

"Oh come on, Jhene you are just mad because you never fell in love before and think that it's a whole bunch of bullshit beause of the love concept." I said.

"Well the way that you guys are describing it to me, sounds like shit from a fucking fairytale and in case you guys haven't noticed, we don't live in a fairytale ok. This shit right here is real life and things happen for a reason and then life just moves the fuck on." Jhene said.

Hazel and I looked at her so confused because we never heard Jhene talk like this before. I wondered maybe that she was getting stubborn. Jhene then walked out of my house seeming angrier then ever.

"Should we be worried?" I asked Hazel.

"Maybe. Maybe not." Hazel said.


I was so done with Hazel and Mixx and all their happiness shit. I was so done with them and the way that they were acting. I got on my motorcycle and drove to where I needed to go. Once I reached there I got off my motorcycle and knocked on the door. This was the only place that I could go that helped me get through the times or anything that was bothering me on my mind.


"Bro, you're doing what?" I questioned.

"I'm getting married to Hazel." Anthony said.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Did you hit your head or something?" I asked.

Anthony laughed. "Nah bruh. I really love her I mean I know that we don't act like it around y'all but we had a long relationship and I love her." 

"Yo, you sound like a bitch man." I said.

"Well that's what love makes you feel like man." Anthony said.

"Whatever." I said.

Anthony looked at me like something was wrong with me. I guess that he was kind of right though. I guess Mixx makes me feel like that all the time. I just have to figure out where that is going to leads us no matter where it leads. I just want to know what is going on with me? Why is Mixx making me feel this way? This feeling is seomthing I can't even explain. Geez.


Hazel had discussed the details and everything and then she left. A couple of minutes after she left, my door was knocked on. I opened it and there stood Trey. I smiled and gave him a huge hug. 

"Hey." I said.

"Hey." Trey said.

"I haven't heard from you all day." I said.

"I know and I'm sorry, I was just with Anthony a few hours ago and then traffic really gets on my nerves." Trey said.

"I understand. So you talked to Anthony?" I questioned.

"Yea. And did you talk to Hazel?" Trey asked.

"Yea of course and I heard the good news." I said.

I let Trey in the house and we walked upstairs to my room. I sat on my bed and we just talked throughout the whole night. I don't know what it is about Trey, but he makes me feel so safe. It's like I can be more myself around him then I ever did before. What's happening to me?

What is up with Jhene? Who here is happy for Hazel and Anthony? What is the feeling that Trey and Mixx have for each other?

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