If Peter was Tony's Child

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Tony and Pepper adopted Peter 

Peter's POV

I walked around Mr. Stark's or I guess my dad's, no. That sounds weird I'm sticking with Mr. Stark. I walked around Mr. Stark's mansion looking to see if anyone was awake. I realized since it was 5am he and Pepper weren't awake. I walked into the kitchen and sat down. I pulled out my phone and started reading, and I got lost in the book. By the time I looked up it was 7:30. I grabbed my backpack and yelled. "IM LEAVING I'LL SEE YOU TONIGHT!" I ran out the door and began to sprint to school. I heard a small noise and the ground below me began shaking. i looked over to see three men drilling something into th ground that was big and looked like a bomb. I ran into an alley and through on my spidersuit and mask and webbed my bag to a wall. I the swung over to a building right next to the supposed bomb. There were men standing in a circle around it. I noticed they had guns and that it really was a bomb. A swung around the city and noticed other smaller devices like it had been planted around the city. I quickly got back to where they were but i was too distracted to notice my spidersenses telling to move. I was hit with something big and metal and I went flying but someone caught me. 

Tony's POV

I woke up to Jarvis saying something about Spider-Man coming across a bomb. A BOMB! I jumped out of bed and my suit came on so I flew outside. I got to where should be just as he came flying at me. I caught him and a piece of metal that hits him. I landed and he looked at me. "H-hi" Was all he managed to say. "You get the small ones, I will disable the big one, and we are talking about this later" I said and flew away. I went and when I got to the bomb there was no one there so i cut into the bomb and began disabling it.

Peter's POV

I went around the city destroying all the little bombs. When I came to the last one there were people around but they looked different. Suddenly a metal spike came at me and hit me. I looked down and noticed it was in my stomach. I didn't pay attention to that and went at them. I used my cool taser web and electricuted the all. I webbed them up to the side up a building and left a note, then I went to go find Mr. Stark. I came up to him disabling the bomb. "Got it." He said bulling a giant bundle of chords out of the bomb. He turned around to face me. "Let's go home." He said and I nodded. He flew and swung back to the mansion. The stab wound hurt but I didn't want him to see it. We got back inside and I watched as Pepper looked down and immeadiatly noticed the giant stage wound. "PETER!" She yelled and ran over with a bunch of napkins. Mr. Stark looked confused until he looked down and began to panic. I heard him yelling but I blacked out because of blood loss before I could process what he was saying.

*Time Skip*

I woke up on some sort of hospital bed thing but it looked like the mansion. I looked around and realized it was one of the empty rooms in the mansion that had a whole bunch of stuff hooked up. I Mr. Stark come into the room and he didn't notice I was awake. "Mr. Stark what happened?" I asked and he quickly came over and hugged me. "Never, do that again!" He almost yelled. "I'm sorry" I said and I looked down. "It's fine you just scared us ok." He said and I apologized again. "Now who wants to go get an expensive meal even thought it's like 1am?" He asked. I nodded and he helped me up.

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