Dream Of A Blooming Garden

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It's late night and I'm travelling alone. The road is empty and it seems like a snake. It's so curvy that if I push the engine's car it may send me off the road. My nerves are all aware of the danger, I know that if my eyes take a little longer blinking I may end up becoming part of the woods. Far away from the neon lights of the city, the sky looks like a blooming garden. It's completely full of stars just how I like it. I'm so in love with the magnificence of this sky. Tough I can't enjoy it as much as I would like. I can't because I don't have you sitting on the passenger seat. You could even be asleep, I wouldn't care because I had you near me. I could feel almost to well your hand resting on my tight and your kisses on my neck. Or you would distract me about how nervous I felt about this deadly road with your constant jokes and unbelievable unending stories. Suddenly I awaken from this lovely dream staring at the empty seat next to me. You're so far away. And even tough I wish I could share this adventure with you, you have no idea about how much I'm falling in love with you. I'm pushing you away and you think you're doing well by giving me space, but you're making a terrible choice. Please, send me a picture of the night sky above you when the moon is high confessing how you miss me. Please, fight for me, don't let me slip through your fingers. The stars are filling up the sky, although they can't make me feel good no more because while my hands were gripping the steering wheel, you were chatting with all this other girls that distract you from thinking of me. Another girl is making you laugh. And it's just scares me to death more than the road in which I'm driving, that I may just end up being a faded picture on the back of your mind.

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