Chapter 2

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120 Hours left

"We have to get out of here. Like now!" Austin yelled. "Calm down Austin! We have to stop and figure out a plan. What do you guys think we should do first?" Eliza said. "We should leave this room, there's nothing here for us." I said. "Psy is right. This is just a plain room with nothing in here, we should also find Chris." Corey stated. We all got up and walked out of the plain room. The room we left only lead to a hallway with many doors. It kinda reminds me of a mental hospital hallway. All of the doors had numbers on them, ranging from 1-24"Should we split up?" Eliza asked. "I think it's a good idea. Meet back in this room at the end of the day. I bought a couple watches before this happened." Alex said, and pulled out a couple of watches and handed one to me, Eliza, Austin, Brie, and kept one to herself.

"Okay so Del and Psy, you will go to room 23, Brie and Kheris go to room 11, Corey and Austin go to room 17, Eliza and I will go to room 19." Alex constructed. Everyone walked into the rooms they were assigned to while Del and I walked down to the end of the hallway and walked through the door. "Okay, where do we start?" Del asked. I looked around the room and saw a dresser on the left side of the room, another door in the right backhand corner. Del walked towards the dresser and opened the top drawer. He screamed in a girlish manner and ran behind me. I looked at him quizzically and saw a small mouse crawl out of the drawer and scurry into a hole in the wall. I turned to Del with a 'really' look and he just shrugged. I walked over to the dresser and looked through all of the drawers. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I closed the last drawer and saw a shard of glass. I picked it up and showed it to Del. He shrugged again and we headed back to the room we woke up in. Corey and Austin were in the room, holding glass shard similar to ours. "Hey guys! Find anything important?" Austin asked with eagerness. Del shook his head and said, "The only thing we found a mouse and a glass shard. What about you?" "We found a glass shard too, maybe it's a clue?" Corey suggested. I shrugged, half listening to what they were saying. I was too focused on my overbearing thoughts and questions. Then I thought about the glass shards, and what they could be. They weren't the kind of glasses you would drink out of, or the kind that were made from vases. I turned over the shard and noticed it was covered. "A mirror! That's what the glass shards came from!" I exclaimed. Corey and Austin looked at me like I was crazy, which I am, and Del agreed with me. "How could you be so sure it could be a mirror?" Corey asked. "It's the only thing that would have to do with glass and have covering on the back of the glass shards. Maybe there are mirror pieces in all of the rooms?" I suggested. Suddenly, Alex came running into the room with a bloody object in her head.

"Guys! Find a medkit now!" Alex yelled. Austin nodded and ran into the other room I saw before. Eliza came in with someone hanging on her for support. He had dark brown hair that seemed to be matted down by sweat, golden hazel eyes. He seemed pale, paler than he should be, and he seemed to be malnourished. His shirt was black and ripped, his jeans covered in dirt and dust. Blood was oozing out of the side of his head and through his stomach. Austin rushed back in with the medkit and Eliza set the injured teen on the floor. "Is that Chris?" I whispered to Del who just nodded in return. I just stared as Eliza pulled out gauze, bandages, medical tape, and hydrogen peroxide. Austin grabbed a cloth from the kit and poured the peroxide on the cloth. Eliza grabbed the peroxide filled cloth and started cleaning Chris' wounds. He hissed and whined in pain as the peroxide was bubbling on his cuts. Alex grabbed the bandages from the kit and started wrapping his stomach tight enough to let him breathe. Austin finished cleaning his forehead and put a medium sized bandaid. Alex finished wrapping his stomach and clipped the bandages together so they don't fall off.

"Where are the others?" I asked as the only people that came back were Del, Austin, Chris, Alex, Eliza, Corey and I. "I'm not sure, should we go looking for them?" Eliza asked. Corey nodded and moved towards the door. "I'll go with you!" I shouted and ran after her out the door. "Then let's go." was all Corey said before we were off towards the eerie hallway.

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