Future: the year 2030

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In the future, 5 teenagers survived the destruction of their home town of Lincoln. Flames roaring through the streets, and houses devouring them like they were nothing. Cries and screams could be heard from down the street, destruction raged everywhere. After the night had passed, some flames were still lit, in houses that had been burned to a crisp. 

A shadow peered through the rubble towards the girls. There was an 18-year-old girl named Ruby, who wore glasses and had long black hair that reached her shoulder blades, jeans that were smeared with charcoal, and a tank top. Her friend Petra, with light brown hair and purple glasses, glanced up at the figure, gripping her weapon tighter. "Who's there?" Petra called. 

Ruby looked up from the fire between them, reaching for her handgun. "Show yourself," Ruby said. 

Through the shadows, a girl with straight black hair and bangs half covering her eyes appeared, wearing a dirty blue jacket and jeans. "Ruby?" She asked, tilting her head.

"Vivian?" Ruby asked, sitting up. They were in the same class before the world collapsed.

"Yeah, it's me," Vivian smiled, wiping her eyes. "I thought I was all alone."

"Come sit," Petra smiled, gesturing to the old chairs they had gathered around the fire. "It's warmer over here. "

"Where have you been?" Ruby asked." I met Petra a few days after the collapse, we've just been scavenging since then. "

Vivian sat next to her, warming her hands by the fire. "Same as you, I just stayed low, finding food wherever I could."

As the three girls were sitting around, gathering their thoughts. They decided to team up and work together and made a vow to never give up on each other and stick together. 

Dystopian world: War on EvilDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora