Chapter One

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    ***TRIGGER WARNING this chapter has a trigger warning for the use of a razor blade, if you are sensitive about this DO NOT READ***

 Mikey and I Were brothers walking down the halls in school when we heard "Why do they even allow queers at our school?" Mikey and I turned around and saw that it was Kurt Cobain And Sully Erna, and I said to Mikey quietly "Just Walk Faster." Then we heard Bob And Sully chasing us and Mikey looked at me and yelled: "RUN!!!" Mikey and I ran away from the two of them and to my luck (not), there was a rock where I was running, I fell and yelled to Mikey "Keep running I'll be fine!" I tried to get up but Sully and Kurt grabbed me, pulled me down onto the ground, and beat me up excessively I had bruises on my hips, chest, and a black eye. 

     Later that night I went to the bathroom and put some makeup on my black eye. It hurt so bad. I went into my room, I turned on the light that is very dim because all the time I've used it and not replaced it. I sat on my bed and pulled out my razor blade and I cut my arms, seeing the skin where I sliced up my skin, the cold blade against my skin. Next thing I know I hear "Gerard get down here now!?!" I was scared I hid the razor blade and pulled on a long-sleeved shirt said "Coming mom!" When I limped downstairs Mikey and my Mom were waiting for me and she said: "Where is your black eye mister!"  Mikey yelled, "He is wearing makeup mom."

     I hurriedly whispered, "Shut up."  Mom rubbed my makeup off where my black eye was I said "Ouch!!" Then she gave me and Mikey a whole lecture about we should stand up for ourselves. I stormed up to my room and cried the rest of the night, But then I heard Mikey come up and say "I'm sorry bubby but it made me sad to see you get beat up and I thought it would be right." I said, "Well it didn't help me a lot I just got told that I should stand up for myself."  Mikey left with his head down closing the door softly, and I fell asleep sobbing. 

~~~ Hey lovelies I hope you like this first chapter I will be updating often. I love you all~~~

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2019 ⏰

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