Dear, Kasi

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best friends. that's a word i never thought i would be able to use in my entire life. then i met you and robin and something changed. when we first met we hated each others guts with everything we had. Then you came and slept over at my old house just four houses down, and we came to realize that we were more alike han originally thought. we came to find out that we both have a lot of phobias like being alone, or being forgotten, dying, the dark, and crying in front of people, which might i just say is very ironic because by the end of it all we were crying like baby's in front of each other as though we had known each other our entire lives when in reality it had only been a week, but, by the time you left we practically had. we had told each other our each and every fear. to be honest i have no recollection of how the argument had started all i know is that we went to school the following Monday better friends than we had been prier to. best friends. what we are now may not mean as much to you as it dose me because you had Robyn, but i had no one. i don't think i ever did. i had acquaintances and such but never someone i could confide in like i could you, and i just wanted you to know that i will never leave you alone no matter how scarred i get, i will never leave your side. i will never let you be forgotten by anyone, we will create a lasting impression on everyone we know, i cant promise that you wont die but i will make sure you don't die alone, the dark is an irrational fear that i can not control so your on your own on that one, crying in front of people is also an irrational fear that i can not control so your on your own on that one two. sorry! i will be with you through the thin of it but most of all the thick of it. i will not let you suffer alone like i have for so long. i wish that i could have been with you when you started to question your self worth, when you started to hate on your self, when you started to hate your self but i wasn't and i cant change the past but i can help rewrite the future if you let me. i want you to know that you are and always have been beautiful, unique, amazing, fantastic, and you should never stop because you have always also been your self, you have never changed the way you are or how you act to fit others perspectives of how you should be. and you never should. believe in your self, have self confidence and never forget that you have people around you who will never not love you. its written in the stars!

~ your best friend and technical sister

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