The Attack

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Dark couldn't help but smile---a smile that was nothing but devious. This was going to be so easy. Why hasn't he done this already?

Right... he could never get the proper chance. Wilford was either always with Abe, or the detective was just too mobile. When he's on a case, Abe usually walks all around and is never in one place. For this particular day though, Abe was alone in his detective's office.

Dark walked down the hallway and adjusted his sleeves. When he arrived at Abe's door, he politely knocked using a gentle flick of his wrist. After a few short moments of waiting, Dark could hear the door unlocking. He stood straight and combed a hand through his hair with his cold, sturdy fingers.

Abe opened the door and looked to see who was there. Before he could even react, the collar of his white shirt was grabbed harshly and he was shoved up against a wall with brute force. Abe let out a small groan of pain. He quickly looked down, seeing Dark holding him up against the wall.


"SILENCE" Dark growled as he tightened his grip on the detective's shirt collar.

Abe shut his mouth and just stared at the man with fear and confusion in his eyes.

"You have been distracting Will from our plan for decades, you impudent worm" Dark snarled "You are going to pay".

"W-What? What are you talking about? Plan? What plan?" Abe was confused beyond all belief, and pretty overwhelmed. He had never truly interacted with Dark before, and now out of nowhere, he was accusing him of distracting Wilford? Abe has always been nervous around Dark, but the grey-skinned entity was usually just extremely quiet. He's only ever been threatening in his appearance. Now, he was straight-up pinning Abe to a wall with his fists!

"With you around, I can't get one moment with Wilford. Ever since you two got together, he's been too distracted to even think about our plan!" Dark slowly moved his strong hand up to Abe's neck, and he gently gripped. Abe's breathing hitched and panic started to slowly creep in.

"But today, I'm going to change that".

Abe frantically lifted his hands to defend himself, but it was too late. Dark's fist collided with the left side of the detective's face, and he collapsed to the ground. "Ahg! Fuck!" Abe got back to his feet as quickly as he could and threw a punch. There was no way he was going to just lie down and take this.

Abe successfully struck Dark square in the jaw, but the intimidating man seemed barely scathed "Fool. You can't harm me" he stepped closer, and Abe promptly walked backwards "my body has been through stabbings, poisonings, drownings, and beatings. Your mortal punches could never affect me".

"L-Listen, let's just talk about thi-".

Abe's suggestion was swiftly interrupted when Dark grabbed his shirt and slammed him against the wall. He reeled his head back and yelled in pain, but the detective still tried to fight back. He swung his fist, but Dark grabbed his arm just before it could make contact. Dark threw him against the wall once again, and Abe could feel blood start to drip from his nose. Must of been from that first punch.

Not letting himself give up, Abe got back up and punched Dark again, but this time, the cruel man grabbed Abe's fist "Sh-Shit".

Abe fell to the ground when his left leg was suddenly kicked in "AHH! FUCK". The hit was so bad, that it almost felt like Dark had dislocated Abe's knee. Thankfully though, that wasn't the case, but he knew something was wrong with his leg. It hurt terribly.

Dark yanked Abe up to his feet and shoved him to the wall, holding him there.

Starting to get frustrated, the beaten detective shuffled anxiously and kicked Dark in the stomach with his uninjured leg.

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