Chapter 1 - A Lesson on Bandits

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"Nothing. I- I'm fine. Thank you "her pale Garmavian skin was now flushed red. Feeling a warm flame dancing in her stomach, she managed to stutter out a reply.

That warm feeling in her stomach, it felt like butterflies. Sure, due to her own girly reasons, Nephen made her feel a little nervous. But this feeling is different. It burned and made her feel uneasy, almost as if there was

-Danger? But where?

Frantically she looked around. Seeking the source of the problem. Her first reaction was to located all the other children.

-Where's Neia?

The seven-year old child is in the wagon drawing on a piece of paper while Toria, a girl who hailed form Casia, kept her company.

-The two brothers?

Tending to the oxen, on the side of the wagon opposite to Prodis, who is staring off into the distance while sitting on the vehicle.

Following Prodis' eyes, she looked at where his eyes were resting. There she saw it, a horse-drawn carriage, approaching.

Parking a safe distance away, the carriage let out a wooden creaking sound as the wheels came to a halt. The driver and passenger came out and started walking towards Lilyth. Their hostility written across their faces as they walked towards the closest person they found.

Both had rather light skin and brown, a trait that indicated their Garmavian decent. They dressed in light wool clothing and had leather over-ware. No doubt to protect themselves from sharp weapons like the daggers they carried around their waists.

Unlike the other children, Lilyth didn't bode well with strangers. She froze at their sight. Only being able to call out to the sleeping boy next to her.

"Nephen, quick wake up"

Detecting the hint of unease in her voice, he got up. Carefree as usual. He looked at the oncoming men, then diverted his attention to the scared girl beside him. She looked flustered and wanted to say something, but the men are already standing before them.

"Oi oi oi, what 'o we got here? A few kids walking round with a snoozing man. Ain't this nice? haha" exclaimed one of the two thuggish looking men.

"Well, your eyes certainly do work, I'm glad you could see we are enjoying our day. Now if you would, please leave" The carefree respond came from Nephen, the one person who, until a few moments ago, was sleeping.

"Don't be that way bud. We come only in good will. Ya see, this part round here ain't the saf'st. But tell ya what. You give is y'r wallets, anything precious, and ya'll get to make it to whatavar place ya want." responded the second man.

"Leave." Standing up, Nephen let that word escape from his lips. His playful attitude no longer there, neither were the blankets that covered his body.

The bandits made to protest but stopped immediately. What stood before them was a young man whose exposed left arm was covered in an array of tribal patterned tattoos. If it wasn't for Nephen's awkward one sleeved shirt, the thugs would have never noticed that he possessed magic.

Tattoos are a mark that shows a person's affinity for magic. Magic, even in Astulia, is rare. So rare in fact, that a person who possessed a tattoo the size of one's hand could decimate a city single-handed.

In this case, what can a man whose arm is covered by tattoo do? The answer terrified the two helpless men. Who believed, that in the end they would never become prey.

"Not saying anything? Well, judging by your attitude, it's safe to say that you are thieves. Am I correct?"

They nodded.

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