"Hayley, I like someone else ok, asher is my friend, stop forcing things on me" I say rolling my eyes.

"Who's this stranger then ?" Hayley asks me folding her arms.

"Hayden" I say copying her.

"Really? When will I get to meet this Hayden ?" She asks looking at me.

"Hayley your 13, it's not like your gonna meet him." I say giggling.

"Annie! Why?" Hayley says getting angry.

"Because, it's not your business. You have a boyfriend, why don't you go and talk to him?" I say with a chuckle.

"Whatever Annie, thanks for mentioning it, I will" Hayley says walking off and slamming my door.

Hayley is so annoying. She used to be better when she was 10.

mackz| annie💓💗💘💖

                            me| Kenzie 💗💖💓💞

mackz| so, hows hayden ? ;))

                 me| were good lol kenz :)

mackz| ss!

                    me| no! are u kidding me ?

mackz| Annie show me .

                          me| Mackenzie .....

mackz| show me !

                   me| why am I doing this ??

mackz| bc u love me, now hurry up

                                           me| here .

mackz| ok ok, he seems to like it but enough of the emojis! you only use them 2 times in a chat when ur texting him

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mackz| ok ok, he seems to like it but enough of the emojis! you only use them 2 times in a chat when ur texting him.
mackz| and too many 'xxx' you've just met. but good :)

          me| wow thanks for the criticism

mackz| I'm helping u remember ...

             me| i guess but cmon... ://

mackz| what??

            me| i need a personal life too.

mackz| i get it, you don't have to send me your chats then:,(

                          me| thank u thank u

mackz| ig its ok

Mackenzie wants the best for me. and now she knows I don't like asher in that way, phew 😅

asher| hey anns !

                            me| asher angel 👼🏼!

asher| what's up! You haven't been active recently xx

                    me| ik Ik, it's hayden  xx

asher| oh yeah, how's it going with him xx

              me| pretty good thank u xx

asher| good, good💓
asher| are u free tomorrow?

             me| damn, no I'm so sorry. I said to Hayden that I'd hang with him:/

asher| no that's cool. text u soon. bye x

                         me| okay see ya, bye xx

I feel so bad. I let asher down and it's true we haven't been talking recently, usually I'd choose asher over anyone. But I've met someone and I guess I need to focus on him more, right ?

asher just got turned down how sad what do u think of this chapter??

vote and comment 👼🏼💗

i think im in loveWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt