My fallen friend

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Bill had left ducktown to go live out his dreams. He figured if he couldn't fly he'd learn how to fly an airplane. He'd call to check in every now and then. If someone missed the call it was a long while before the next one. Everyone understood why a job was very busy work. Aldo still went in between swampwood and ducktown. He was more than welcome in both. The seven friends met everyday in the decoy cafe. Ed, Oly, and Waddle were rather quiet after the first few months. Bev figured they had their own regrets concerning Bill. Even though life went on it was a long five years. Bill had always meant to return home. It wasn't until a funeral though that triggered his return. Ed had overdosed.

The wake was scheduled to take place in church on the east side of the town. Bill made his way over to Oly and Waddle.

" I'm so sorry for your loss guys."

Oly looked up from the floor sat his old friend.

" Well we're sorry too."

Waddle was silent clinging to his remaining older brother.

" I can't imagine what made Ed stoop to this."

Oly patted Waddle's head as the younger one cried.

" Maybe it's cause his best friend deserted him."

Oly and Waddle each gave a speech about Ed. Bev went up after Waddle. Her next announcement surprised him.

" Oly and Waddle would like to invite Bill up her to proved an account on Ed."

Bill gulped before he walked up to the podium. Bill held the podium and looked over at the coffin.
" I may have been away for five years but Ed was just as much of a brother to me as he was to Oly and Waddle. Guys I'm sorry I wasn't around but this isn't completely about me. This is about how Ed affected me. He helped to make me the duck I am..."

Once when they were younger the four of them were at the pond. Bill had thought he would figure out flying. He was testing out a few methods on a couple of rocks. Ed, Oly and Waddle had gone to get their lunch. A older duck and a few of his friends came over to where Bill was waiting.

" What are you doing little ducky? Learning how to fly again?"

Bill stood on the rock with his wings outstretched. He had a silly grin on his face.

" You bet."

Ed, Oly, and Waddle carefully carried the food over the hill. They saw the three other ducks approach Bill. They saw Bill be pushed off a rock. Ed shoved his food at Waddle. Once he was empty handed Ed marched over. Oly and Waddle slowly walked over.

" Hey! Why don't you pick on a duck your own size?"

While Ed glared down a bigger duck. Oly and Waddle helped Bill off the ground. Ed was holding his own against the bully. The guy walked away in defeat so Ed faced his brothers. He saw Bill winced. The ducks looked down to see Bills legs covered in blood and sand.

" Let's get you cleaned up."

The brothers helped Bill as Ed led them home.

" I remember later that week I found myself in more trouble...."

This time Bill was on break when he saw his bully. Bill reflected on the other day at the pond. He decided he was going to fight for himself.

" Hey you! Big idiot!"

Ed saw a crowd gathering from his place in detention. He saw Waddle by the swings looking scared. He needed to get out luckily Mr. doodle was easy to trick.

" Mr. doodle, I need to go to the bathroom."

The teacher just pointed toward the door. Ed ran into Oly as he headed for the exit. Once the two older brothers met Waddle and they asked him what was going on.

" Bill's in a fight."

Ed swiped his right wing in the air.

"Bill's our friend come on."

The two younger ones cowardly as Ed marched over and pushed his way through the crowd.

" Bill, what do you think you're doing?"

The slightly smaller duck stretched both his wings. He proceeded to twist back and forth.

" I'm standing up for myself."

Gesturing with his hands Ed placed a hand on Bill's shoulder.

" Look there is a difference between defending yourself and picking a fight."

Bill looked up and for the first time thought about what he was doing. The duck turned around and began to walk away.

The older duck shouted,

" Get back here punk!"

The four friends ran out of school early that day.

Oly and Waddle were clearly paying attention. Bill wouldn't doubt it if Ed was watching them right now. Bill paused for a moment thinking of another story.

" I recall another time Ed helped me..."

Bill was having a rough month. He hadn't been getting many jobs as a painter. He had been struggling with his rent. It was when his fridge was bare that Bill suspected the oldest brother began to question it.

" What's going on billy boy?"

Bill looked at the crowd and leaned on the podium.

" At the time I just pushed on."

Bill rubbed off his friend and went to fiddle with an airplane he made.There was silence as Oly and Waddle watched their discussion. By the evening Ed was able to squeeze information out of his friend.

" Soo... what's really eating ya?"

Ed could be quite a pest. But he was a good pest.

" My art hasn't been racking in the rent."

Ed froze for a moment. Meanwhile eavesdropping on the couch this put the other two in shock.

" But your art is amazing!" shouted Waddle.

Oly stuck one hand angrily into the air still leaning on the other.

" Yeah I would buy tons of them."

Bill shrugged and shook his head thinking of a comment.

" We'll help you. Come be with us."

Ed dragged his semi disinterested friend to his apartment. That's the night the brothers supplied Bill with food.

" Never give up on your dreams, billy boy."

That was meant to help him with his art but it actually inspired him to be a pilot.

Bill looked over at Oly and Waddle who didn't look so sad anymore.

" Oly. Waddle. You guys know it best. Ed did not live like this."

Bill walked down from the podium. He ran over to the back of the church. Bill returned with a bottle and a goblet. Bill walked back up to the podium.

" Ed would have wanted a celebration."

Bill poured a glass took a sip and raised it in the air.

" Oly, Waddle. Am I wrong to say Ed would want everyone to be wasted?"

That was the day Oly and Waddle realized they always had another brother.

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