"Fuck, I love you so much." He breathes, his hands running down my sides. "Can't you just skip work." He starts kissing my neck. "Stay here with me?"

"Hmmm, tempting." I giggle. "But no."

"Where's your sense of rebellion?" He moves his face to my cleavage, kissing and pulling my shirt down.

"Rebellion?" I pull his face out of my boobs. "I'm dating a full-fledged gang member and you're asking me about rebellion?"

"Hm, I guess you're right." He grins.

"Per usual." I peck him on the lips. "I gotta go."

"Wait." He wraps his arms around me tightly. "Just five more seconds." He counts to five quietly. "Okay, I guess you can go to work."

"As if I needed your permission." I sass and jokingly push him away from me.

"Mmm." He practically drools. "That gave me a boner."

"Shut the fuck up." I swat at him and laugh, opening the door as he laughs with me.

"Have a good day, drive safe." He slaps my ass on my way out. "Call me if you need me."

Work is not as fast paced as I hoped it would be but it's not excruciatingly slow either, so I guess I can't complain. The tips so far have been decent, not sure if I'm really rocking the customer service or if my tits just look good. Either way, I'm making money. As it gets a little later the place starts to fill up. I take over the bar and my co-workers go out on the floor. Right now there's four of us total. Luckily, Sam comes in soon and he'll be able to help me at the bar.

I feel like I've been taking orders and mixing drinks non-stop for a long ass time, it's only been an hour. I sigh in relief when I see Sam walk in the door. He rushes behind the counter, noticing how busy it's gotten and clocks in. We get stuck back there for the next two and a half hours, pretty much constantly serving people. I guess I wanted it to be busy so I can't be mad about it. I'm working a closing shift tonight which means I'll be here late, probably until about 3 AM. I'm glad I have Sam with me, I get a little uneasy being here alone at night after what happened.

Eventually things start to slow down, people are getting tired and going home. Or they're moving on to the next bar and getting more drunk. There's still a good number of people in here but it's not as overwhelming, much more manageable. Sam tells me he's running to the bathroom and that he's gonna be a minute, like I really needed that information. Considering there are only a few people sitting at the bar I decide to wipe down the counter which is no doubt covered in booze and other sticky substances. As I reach the end of the counter I notice someone sit down on the opposite side. I throw the rag on the back counter and make my way over to them. To say I'm shocked would be an understatement.

Sitting in front of me is a man with an uncanny resemblance to Jake. If I'm being honest he actually looks exactly like him. Literally, he has the same face save for a few minor differences but they're hard to spot. I know who he is right away. I stare at him for a moment, jaw hanging halfway open, unsure of what to say and wondering why the fuck no one told me they were twins. I've seen pictures of him here and there but I guess I never really looked at them for too long. His face may be identical but that's just about it. His hair is much shorter, kind of shaggy, and curly as hell. His style is the complete opposite of Jake's. He's not wearing any jewelry except for two small hoop earrings and he sports a black pull over sweatshirt with tan tribal print at the top.

"You're Josh." I finally say. "Sam's my best friend." I quickly add, trying to seem less weird.

"I was beginning to wonder why you were looking at me like that." He laughs. Their smiles are even the same. What the fuck.

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