The people standing around who watched her make fun of Peter dispersed into different directions, and she was left standing there alone.

All of a sudden, she felt extremely self-conscious. She wished her Dad had never told her that she looked good in that stupid floral dress and she wished she hadn't rushed out of the house, and she wished she had spent more time on her makeup. She wished she looked like every other girl at that party, with their toned bodies and sleek, glossy hair.

She wanted someone to walk past and just tell her that she looked nice. That would have been enough for the night. But no one did. And to make matters worse, she had spent her entire evening looking for Andrew, and now, it didn't even seem like he was interested.

For a second, MJ thought about running after Peter, and stopping him, and apologizing to him for embarrassing him in front of all those people.

She thought about ditching the party and asking Peter to take her home, so she could complain to her Dad about how shitty high school parties were and he could say something comforting that would make her sleep easy.

Maybe she was a little hard on Peter. Maybe she was so annoyed with the fact that the seniors were paying so much attention to him and not her. Maybe she took her anger out on him, because she longed for someone to want to spend time with her like Liz did with Peter.

Maybe I'm just jealous MJ thought.

She wanted to turn to go, but then she heard the lock on the shed door click, and watched as the door opened.

Andrew leaned out of the doorway, and MJ's heart skipped a beat. She thought he was so hot. She liked how his hair was half wet from being in the pool, and how it was brown at the roots and blonde at the tips, and how his swim shorts kind of sagged at the side.

"Are you lost?" Andrew asked MJ, a puzzled look on his face.

MJ was lost for words for a few seconds. She just stared at his six pack, and his cheekbones, and his eyes.

Then she remembered where she was and realized that if she didn't start talking, she may never get to fuck him tonight.

"Kinda." MJ said, pushing her hair away from her face. "I don't think you know my name-"

"MJ." Andrew said, interrupting her. "Your name is MJ and you're a Junior. You're on the debate team, you're really good at Biology, and you're also kinda rich. I know who you are."

MJ felt like she was having an outer-body experience. How did he know who she was, she thought.

"You're pretty correct there." she said, smiling. "I also know that your name is Andrew...and that you're about to have sex with I guess there's no point in me standing here, really."

MJ didn't know how those words managed to come out of her mouth, but they did.

Andrew just laughed, leaning against the doorway.

"Now that's funny." he said, smiling. "But you should know that there's absolutely no way that Liz is letting me get in her pants tonight. She's wasted...and tired...and I'd rather fuck someone that was know...awake."

MJ thought about how hypocritical that sounded because of what Peter had said earlier, but was completely mesmerized by the way Andrew spoke, and the way he smiled and looked occasionally on the floor and then back up at her.

"You might as well come in..." Andrew said, opening the door wide. "It's kinda cold outside anyway."

MJ hesitated for a second, but then she walked in. She was immediately relieved by the warmth of the shed and wondered why she didn't wear a swimsuit so that she could have gotten into the heated pool.

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