emo is the new love

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??? p.o.v

I was walking threw the halls of the school ready for some type of hit from someone. Ace said there be a new student coming here today, great. More bitches to deal with.

      (Time skip to class by wolves)

As me, ace, shadow, and Jacob all sat on the table talking to each other waiting for the teacher to come in and yell at us saying 'get down!!! ' or 'I'll beat your ass!!! '.Some kid with blue hair and a mask walked in with that larry dude. Seriously, how do girls fall for him. What does he has that girls go crazy over? I get it, the long brown hair is hot and all, but still.Larry looked over at me then sat down with the blue hair dude behind us. Shadow taped my shoulder and whispered "who's next on our death list? " "Some blond hair bitch... " I whispered back.

Sal's p.o.v

Me and larry walked in the class room and the first thing I noticed was a girl with (h/l), (h/c) hair, and (e/c) eyes, wait! That's the girl on the fifth floor singing, she looks emo as hell... It's kinda hot. 'WHAT THE FUCK SAL!!! 'I yelled in my mind. She was wearing (picture above)
I looked at larry and he was staring at her. Wouldn't blame him tho, she's hot. We went and sat behind them.

    (Time skip to lunch)

??? p.o.v

Me, ace, and shadow where sitting at our usually table whispering about how we should kill the next bitch on our to do list. I looked over at the table where the new kid sat at with his friends. I only know two people from that table, larry and Todd. From what I've learned bye watching them for a year now is that Todd is gay and has a boyfriend named neil, and that larry lived with his mom in that apartment place bye here. Now... To learn about the new kid, gotta admit tho..... He's kinda cute.

Larry's p.o.v

I was watching ash talking about someone named Brooke, who always liked to be hard headed and a bitch. Aren't most girls are tho, the doors opened as that Jacob kid walked in, he had the most creepiest smile on his face, like as if he murdered someone and had fun with it. He walked over to the girl from earlier in class sitting on the desk. 'What in the name of hell is going on? 'He whispered something into the girls ear as he was saying something, she smiled..... Now it wasn't one of those happy or fake smiles.... It the smile of a killer..... What is going on? I turned to sal and whispered "something isn't right with them, wanna help me find out? Maybe it has to do with those ghost you, Todd, and chug talked about" "Yeah sure I'll help you out bro.. " Sal whispered back. "Good, we should start off with that ace girl, I have a bad feeling about her".and with that we left to go search for some clues.

(Hope you guys like it so far, and also if you want me to do a sally face x male reader, sally face x (anything you want it to be) reader, or a larry x male or female reader, just tell me in the comments down below, love you all bye!!)

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