Part 1 - A mistake

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   *Moge-ko's POV*

Looking at the screen, showing Yonaka and Nega-Mogeko, this "psychotic" blonde girl with a bored look, or you better say me decides not to attack any of the listed. And moving away from my office, as usual, I went for a walk across the expanses of the fourth floor. Some of the small yellow cat-like creatures followed me. Both Yonaka and Nega-Mogeko noticed my figure along with these creatures. The girl had a very frightened expression, and her "partner" immediately stood in front of her with a protective look.

-What do you want?! - yelled the green thing.

-Nothing. I'm just passing by, - I said with no emotions.

-Yeah right, with your weapon in your hands?

-I don't have anything on me. Even in the pockets.

   Nega seems surprised at me answer because he knows and fears of my true personality.

-Then prove it! - he yelled after a short pause.

   I ignored that green cat and just left not caring. He needs proof? Ridiculous. 

   After these "chats" I just continued to wander around. I did not even notice how I went down to the first floor, at the entrance to the castle. I finally raised my head and realized how far from my room I was. I'm just staring at the front door not moving. Finally, I decided to open the door and enter the... garden? Taking two more steps, I could hear a very loud slam. Great, now the door is locked. I took a deep breath and continue walking forward. This place is colder than I thought. I am still resistant to cold, am I?

-Alright, no more thoughts. It's just me here after all, - I said with a deep echo following my words. Interesting.

   I haven't been here in ages, especially after Yonaka came.

   I continued walking and saw something like a station. I could see a sign with the word "Mogeko" on it. Not sure what is it though. I hear the sound of an arriving train and see the lights coming right at me. It arrived. Is it something the king told me? About how Yonaka came here? Oh, the doors opened. 

-Am I going or am I not?, -  I asked myself. 


  It was the last thought before something pushed me into the cabin. I almost wanted to crush its head, but the doors closed before I could even get up. Oh, really?

-"I made a mistake. Why did I even left my office?!", - and many more yells I shouted at myself. I really want to kill myself now. Okay, no time for insulting, it'd be a shame if someone notices me lying on the floor.

   I got up and started to look around this place. And no one was here except for me. I took a seat on one of the available seats. I feel weird, almost exhausted. Me never felt that before. I ignored that. No, I cannot ignore it, this is just annoying. My eyes are burning and my body is weak. Okay, okay brain, I'm gonna sleep like now. I lay down on two seats next to me and closed my eyes, immediately falling asleep.

   When I woke up, me saw a lot of people. They stared at me, but they didn't say anything. Am I that weird? After some time, I made a normal position on my seat.

-Last stop... Hosokawa! Hosokawa!

   Alright, I have to go. I got up from my seat and headed for the open doors of the train. The doors took some time to close behind me. I can see some people gazing at me. What is up with me? Is there a spider on my head or something?

-I see there is a good cosplayer here, - whispered someone near me. I wanted to yell at them but decided not to.

Lol 633 words

Guess that's it for this chapter, lemme know if I made A MISTAKE here

As I said that's my first story so don't judge me

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