▲ Vocaloid 101 ▲

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Vocaloid 101

Konnichiwa minna!

I want to thank everybody for the fantabulous responses to the question I asked last issue! They were all really good, and it was hard to pick one winner. But it had to be done, so here you guys go!

Question: What is the deeper message of the song Rolling Girl?

Anonymous: I thought that the song Rolling Girl was about acceptance. The main character hated who she was, and so she harmed herself. But the boy accepted her for who she was, and maybe, he might just get her to accept herself.

So, let's shake things up and bring in a mostly cheery song this week. I'm going to be talking about the song World Is Mine, sung by none other than the glorious Hatsune Miku.

The first line of this song is her undeniable claim, she's the number one princess in the whole wide world. So you better memorize how to treat her. Got it?


Miku's got three simple rules: 

(1) Notice when her hairstyle's different

(2) Look at her shoes. Carefully.

(3) For every word that she speaks to you, triple that, maybe add in an 'I love you'

You say you understand, so fix up the fact that her right hand is empty!

C'mon guys, it's not like she's selfish and obnoxious, or something. She just wants to make sure you understand that she's the best because. . .

She's the number one, princess in the whole wide world!


You'll notice her, you'll find it impossible to make her wait.

Who the hell do you think she is?

And she wants something sweet to eat. Right now!!!

Miku? Have flaws? She believes you mean adorable mistakes!

Who's for her? None other than a valiant prince, on a white steed of course! Who else would you expect for a fine princess?

But realize that it's okay to scold her sometimes *wink wink*.

I mean, the world is hers!

Crossing the street with her 'valiant prince', he suddenly hugs her from behind. Which causes adorable blushing and flustered smiling. She pulls away, and he says she was about to walk in the busy street.

If only he knew he was more dangerous to her?

This song is super catchy, and has a nice beat. If you haven't heard it yet, I suggest you pop over to YouTube and give it a shot. There is also an amazing English cover for this song on YouTube by Miku-Tan. Just search up 'world is mine miku tan', and it should show up.

Rock out to your vocaloid, and stay awesome minna!

Otaku Magazine ISSUE #7 September 2014Where stories live. Discover now