Start from the beginning

"Excuse me." Vicki said calling the women over. "What did that guy say to you?"

"He wanted to ask if he could buy you girls a drink." She said.

"Ew!" Nicole yelled.

"We are fine thanks." Vicki said to the waitress who nodded and left.

"He looks really sketchy, so no way am I accepting drinks from him." Vicki said to the girls.

"He just keeps staring." Jenni said.

"Can I help you with something, cause you've been staring at us all night?" Vicki said to the guy, his smirk seemed to get larger as he got the girls attention.

"I haven't been staring." The man said.

"Yes you have, don't even try and make excuses. You are seriously creeping us out, stop staring and enjoy your drink." Vicki asked.

"I just wanted to say you and your  friends are stunning." He said.

"We aren't interested thank you very much, now go away." Vicki said.

"That was amazing!" Ashley said.

"Vicki is our bodyguard basically, she sticks up for everyone." Jenni said.

"I hate pervy, creepy guys like that." Vicki said.

"Let's leave, cause i'm freaked out." Nicole said and everyone agreed before leaving the place, saying goodbye to Ashley who was lovely.

"I feel like he's going to jump on the car and stalk us." Nicole said making Vicki and Jenni laugh. "Step on it, we have a stalker!"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"What are you talking about?!" Vicki heard Jenni yell to Roger, the next morning making her get up and check if she was alright.

"Just shut up for five fucking seconds and let me talk!" Jenni yelled as Vicki kneels in front of her as she cried.

"What's wrong?" Vicki asked. Jenni moved the phone away from her ear.

"Roger thinks i'm lying because he heard from the radio and my dad that i'm being sued." Jenni said making Vicki gasp.

"It was when you were twenty two ? You didn't tell him?" Vicki asked.

"No, I know I fucked up." Jenni said before going back onto the phone to talk to Roger and figure it out.

"Roger, I was twenty two years old when this happened." Jenni said.

"Okay, bye." Jenni said hanging up the phone before getting up. "i need to get out of this house."

Vicki went and threw on jacket and a scarf before brushing her straightened hair.

The girls left and went to a cafe to have something to eat and talk.

"Can I get a chocolate chip muffin please and a chocolate milkshake." Vicki said. 

"What time does Pauly fly in?" Jenni asked.

"Four." Vicki said.

"I hope Roger comes with us tonight." Nicole said.

The plan was to go out and watch a drag queen performance which the girls were so excited for, the boys. . . not so much.

After their chat and food they went back home to just relax until Vicki had to go and pick up Pauly, who she hadn't seen in three weeks.

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