Chapter 16: The Big Sleep Part II: Saviors and Sacrifices

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As the battle raged on, Quinn snuck away down one of the halls. She wasn't a strong fighter and decided to search for anyone who might be trapped within the castle. She rubbec her thumb across the inscription on the handle of her dagger as she walked, 'Never give up without a fight'. It was a gift from her Uncle Phoebus she kept with her for emergencies.

Just as she neared the end of the hall, Quinn heard shuffling coming from behind her. She started to turn around when someone grabbed her from behind, shoving her into a nearby room. Quinn struggled escape as she felt her dagger get wrenched out of her hand. The air left her lungs as her back slammed into a wall and she finally looked up.

Quinn stared in shock as her eyes locked with Chad's. However, she realized is normally pride-filled blue eyes were a poisonous green as he put the dagger to her throat. He chuckled darkly as he watched her squirm. "What's wrong Quinn? Cat got your tongue? Oh yeah, you don't talk." Chad grinned as he applied a bit more pressure to the dagger. "Would you like to try and say any last words?" Tears filled Quinn's eyes as her chin trembled. She knew she needed help and only one person came to mind as she screamed.

Gil turned in the direction of the scream. He didn't recognize the raspy high-pitched voice, but whoever it belonged to was in trouble. Knocking down the guard he was battling, he ran down the hallway to find the source of the voice.

As he ran he noticed an open door at the end of the hallway. Gil charged inside but froze when he saw the scene before him. Chad was holding a dagger to Quinn's throat as she whimpered and cried. "Let Her Go!" Gil snarled as he gripped his swords. Chad laughed as he pushed Quinn harder against the wall. "Drop your swords or she dies."

Gil didn't hesitate as he let his swords clatter to the ground. "There, now let Quinn go. She's no threat to you." Chad grinned as he released his hold on Quinn. "Good choice." Quinn made her move and ran towards Gil. However, Chad turned and thrust the dagger at her back. "Quinn no!" Gil yelled as he grabbed Chad and thrust him against the wall. "You will not hurt her!" He growled.

Chad laughed as he grabbed Gil's arms and flipped him around so he was the one pressed against the wall. "You're not so tough big guy." He sneered. Gil looked over at Quinn who was staring at him with fear filled eyes as his brother's words echoed in his mind, 'Love requires sacrifice'. Quinn I'll be okay, go get help! Gil called out.

Quinn raced from the room, leaving the boys alone. Gil struggled to break free of Chad's grasp but the magic used to control him seem to have also increased his strength. "This will be a lot quicker if you don't struggle." Chad smirked. Slowly, the spelled prince leaned into his ear whispering as Gil felt pain shoot through his chest. "Long live the queen."
A loud roar echoed through the dining hall as Mal flew in with Uma and Jane on her back. As soon as they landed the girls slid off allowing Mal to transform back. "You!" Audrey snarled. "How are you not asleep!?" Mal grinned. "Because I have friends who look out for me. They sensed your spell and got us to safety." Audrey tackled. "And you thought bringing a pregnant sea witch and a weak fairy would help you? Really Mal, I expected greater things from you. This is just too easy."

Mal ignored Audrey's taunting is she noticed Ben trapped in a cell nearby. "Ben!" She called out as she raced towards him. Mal reached out and grabbed the bars causing them to glow red. She released a yelp as she recoiled in pain. Audrey laughed as she admired the shock on everyone's faces. "Oh Mal, didn't mommy ever tell you? Iron burns fairies."

Mal glared at Audrey as she took Uma and Jane's hands. "Alone our power has its limits, but together, our power is unlimited. Are you ready girls?" Jane and Uma nodded as Mal smirked. "Then follow my lead. By the power of three, release the scepter and set her free!" Mal chanted. Audrey waved her scepter and began shooting fireballs at them. "Together!" Mal yelled as they began chanting. "By the power of three, at least the scepter and set her free! By the power of three, at least the scepter and set her free!"

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