We don't care,We maid love. ( Simdil90 )

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Author's Note:My 3rd and "maybe last" Simdil90 fanfic.More lemons because I like lemons.It just fits it right ;]K srry.I'll try to make a fluff one sooner or later.But yeah Im trying to find more material to write more fanfics.Tbh I don't really ship any other yaoi's,I just think this one is adorable.I got this idea for a Simdil90 fanfic at Olive garden.My last one i just published featured the idea I had.This is the second one for those of you read my last yaoi I used the Alfredo sauce idea.So mostly making these because their arent that many Simdil90 fanfics.So lemons or Simdil90? Why not both? * mexican music plays *.So yeah I should stop talking and get to the story.K Bai

It was a sunny day in the Minecraft world.Simon decided to go to a fancy restraunt.He did not except what was going to happen.Simon walked through the doors of the restruant.A lady dressed in a maid suit approched him."OH ARE YOU HERE TO TAKE A JOB? OK LET ME GET YOU A UNIFORM!!!" The lady said happily.They lady grabbed Simon's hand before he could say anything.The lady checked if their was any men's uniforms,though Simon wasnt applying for a job.Their ended up being no men uniforms."What a shame.Oh well,we'll just give you a girl's uniform." the lady said.Simon tried to run to the door but herds of  ladies ran up to him and quickly dressed him." H-hey! give me my clothes back!" Simon said blushing.The ladies ignored Simon and hid his cloths somewhere." I don't wanna work here though!" Simon shouted."Why not? We need some more workers anyways.If you don't I'll cut you." The lady said give a tsundere smile." OK RIGHT AWAY I'LL WORK HERE..."
Simon yelled while sweat filled his face with a fake smile."Ok I need to deliver this garlic bread to table B8" The lady explained.Simon searched for the table.When he saw the table number,he almost dropped the bread.Bodil.was.their."OH NO BODIL HERE? I CANT LET HIM SEE ME LIKE THIS I'LL GET TEASED FOR DAYS,YEARS,....DECADES!" Simon said in his head."Ugh if I don't I'll get seriously injured." Simon said sadly.Simon tip toed to the table B8 where he saw even more people.Baki,Ghost,Deadlox and Kenny." H-here you go" Simon said."Simon is that you"Baki said.
Simon grunted."Yes...".All of them laughed.After Simon put the bread down he ran to the bathroom not caring if he got injured.Simon started to cry." I hate my life" he exclaimed.Then he heard a weird locking sound.

We don't care,We maid love. ( Simdil90 )Where stories live. Discover now