Experiment 101

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So, before I start to write the real story I wanna test out my writing ability cause I haven't written in a very long time. Like maybe last I wrote something was 3 years ago. Anyway, I just wanna make sure I don't write crap for y'all cause even though this is a crack fic I don't wanna give yall horrible writing. So here's a Drarry AU I've been thinking about ever since I heard this song. So here yall go.

The dimly lit lab scattered with feathery quills, potions and books. The air pulsing with magic with as a single book fell named Scientific Evocation."

Draco POV~
" The bloody spell better work or I'm going to hex the next bloody bloke I see." I sneered as I drew the magic circle. I've been researching for months how to connect with the gate. I know there's something, someone on the other side.

Finishing the circle, I placed the ingredients inside:
Decomposing wolf fangs
Powder moonlight
Half a human
"Half of my life is gone after this...." It makes me think back with my family...my friends. 'If mother knew of this she would have my arse for this. Not to mention Pansy and Hermione lectures. They would hex me to oblivion and I'll never be able to live it down. I chuckled a bit knowing it was a futile effort thinking of the past. "Like those muggleborn say no time like the present."

"Voca me"

The room starts to glow as I chant the spell then the gates appear before me. A paw comes out the gate as I gasp at what's before me. "Bloody hell the spell really worked..." I breath out a breath as the wolf stands turning its head looking around my lab. It turns to face me and I stare back. I struggle to get a syllable out my mouth. "H-hello"

Well hell that was just bloody great wasn't it. I steel myself using what my father taught me. Even away from wretched man he still finds a way in my life. I think bitterly. "Hello. My name is Draco Malfoy, right now your in my lab and.....I summoned you." I shifted slightly under its gaze.  I take a better look at it and it seems like its a him. Not only that it's also a bloody WOLF!? I stare shocked as he stands coming towards me.

Welp, I'm fucked.

Harry POV~
'He smells good' I thought as I paced around him. 'I can smell the fear coming off him, yet his face reminds neutral. Interesting.' I look at him up and down while sniffing 'human' I need to change my appearance to match his so nothing will rise from my presence here.  I transform into my human form; brown-black hair with tanned skin and green eyes. 'It's been awhile since I changed to my human form. Feels different from usual.' I try to look at him again but I see nothing but a blur. 'That's right my vision terrible in this form.' I open my mouth to speak "Hello, is there anyway for you to help me with my vision. I'm afraid I cant see well."

He stares wide eyed at me most likely still processing my transformation. Until he starts talking once again "Y-yes hold on a minute." He takes the stick from the desk  some glass and some metal. He mutters something and transforms the materials into something entirely different. I stare wide eyed at the scene before me. 'How did he..' My train of thought is stopped as he walks to me with the item. "Here, these are glasses. They help you see better after placing them on." He mutters while looking down.

'Cute' I think as I took the glasses from him and placed them over my eyes. It seemed I placed them on wrong because as soon as I let them go it fell to the ground. He chuckled slightly as he picked them for me. 'What a beautiful sound' I thought as he raised the glasses to my face "You place them on like this." He said as he placed them on correctly. He started at me for a couple of seconds until suddenly becoming wide eyed and moving away.

I suppress a chuckle but smirk at him. 'Yes, very interesting indeed.'

Oh would you look at that  this is gonna have two parts who would have thought
Naw Im just lazy but I know write just don't feel like writing that part yet. Tell me what yall think of the story. Also help me with my grammar mistakes PLAESE
Love yall

 Also help me with my grammar mistakes PLAESELove yall

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2019 ⏰

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