"Well, no one has called to make an appointment so I'm guessing it's been taken care of." It stung my heart a little to know that there were better and more popular photographers in the city but I was moving up the ladder, slowly but surely. I was quite ambitious and I knew that one day E.Connolly Photography would be big...one day. One step at a time.

"Just call his secretary and have her put you through to him. Micah's a busy man..."

"That isn't how things work, Sebastian." I frowned at him as I slung my purse onto my shoulder. Like I was going to go begging for work...right. Wasn't going to happen. If Mr. Novaletti wanted a session then he could schedule one or his assistant could schedule one.

"Do you want to make money or not, Elise? Not to rain on your parade, but you owe me." If it wasn't for the smile on his lips, I could have swore my brother was being serious. This was Sebastian...ever the asshole. Just then he looked down at his Rolex and hurried around the desk to me. "I've gotta run. Audrey will kill me if I'm late for dinner again and her parents are coming tonight." He brushed a quick kiss over my cheek just as his cell started ringing in his pocket. I had no doubt that was her.

"Bye," I called after his back and watched him stride out of the studio from the window with his cell phone glued to his ear. He even managed to throw Camille a charming smile on his way out. Would he ever give up? Probably not. I looked back down at Micah Novaletti's business card and chewed the inside of my cheek.

Of course I would call his secretary and see if he still needed my business but highly doubted it wasn't already taken care of. I was still staring at the thing when Camille poked her head into the office and announced she was leaving. "Go ahead, I'll lock everything up," I told her and she was gone as fast as Sebastian had been.

I sat my purse down on my desk and took my seat back. When I dialed the number on the card, I expected to get a voicemail. It was after five and usually businesses were already closed by now. Like mine...but here I was. "Novaletti Realty," The woman on the other end answering sounded ethical enough.

"Hi, this is Elise Connolly of E.Connolly Photography. I was hoping I could speak with Mr. Novaletti regarding a session for profile shots." As stupid as that sounded. Sebastian better not be wasting my time or I was so going to have his head for this. He was a bit of a joker but not childish in the slightest.

"Of course, let me transfer you to his Assistant," And then she went on to thank me for taking my time contacting the company before I was transferred. Turns out the assistant was just as chirpy and ethical as the receptionist. I relayed the same message and was put on hold for nearly ten grueling minute. Was it worth it, I asked myself as patience was not my virtue. Was it really worth it? I nearly hung up and decided to call again in the morning when she came back on.

A session was set for nine o'clock in the morning. I logged it into my appointment book, sent Camille a text about it before locking up and leaving the studio. The drive to the restaurant for Thai was hell, and it was even worse making it to my apartment right at the edge of the University's campus. I was so glad that I had graduated and I would be even more glad when I moved out of this part of the city, always bustling with activity.

My Chilean roommate of two years, Gabriela, was sitting in the living room when I came in, nose-deep in her school work. "Oh, you brought food, thank God." She said, pulling her earbuds free, when she caught sight of the takeout bag. That I had. We met in the kitchen and she pulled some plates from the cabinet. Paper plates. I couldn't hardly wait to buy actual dishes when I was out on my own. "Want some wine? I've got vodka too."

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