Prologue Pt. 1

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It was quiet and dark on the windy night. The oil lamp burning, but just barley, the flame twisting in the moonlight. I normally stay up this late at night while my adoptive sisters, brother, and father lay asleep. Luckily there aren't any clouds, so I can see one of the things I love most, the Stars. It's mainly because of my father- er... adoptive father. He is and Irish astronomer. I'm originally from Britain but my family moved here later in life and then died in a terrorist attack at age 2. I'm 6 now.

When I was first adopted, at age 3, these men gave me these medicines. I don't know why, but it made me stay small! It's cool to me, but others think this is bad. It's been 3 years since then and I haven't grown yet... I still have my normally birthdays but I don't grow. I don't get why people get upset about it, but for now, why would be an answer later explained.

I turn as I hear the door open. "What are you doing up, young lady...?" Galileo looks down at me as he walks out into the coolness of the night, leaving behind the warmth of the heater inside. "Star gazing..." my father sits by me with a soft smile. "Can you tell me... what that one is?" He points to a set of stars. I smile brightly, as bright as the shiny objects in the sky, as my father would say, "That is Ursa Major!" He smiled and nods "Good, Good! Now, what about... that one?" He points a bit to the left and down. I think a minute. "Cameleoparadalis...?" I can't tell I mispronounced it when Galileo laughs slightly at my mistake, "That's correct!" I grin proudly at myself.

My older siblings come into the door way, my oldest sister Maria, then Livia and then Vincenzo, but I just call him Vince, since it's easier. My father turns soon hearing them, "Now what are you doing up?" Livia speaks first, "We heard you talking and it woke us up... now we see why..!" She looks down as with a soft smile. Vince was 8, Livia was 13 and Maria was 14, so Livia picked me up with ease. "Let's get you to bed little missy...!"

I pout, "But I'm not tired!" On the inside, I was truly tired, stiffing a yawn. Maria noticed and laughed, tiffing Vince's hair as he let out a yawn himself. "Ok, Alcina, time to sleep..." I gave in and let the yawn escape my lips. "O-ok...." I lay my head on her shoulder tiredly

The next morning, Papa makes eggs, from the farm, for all of us to enjoy for breakfast. I ate about 2 while the others had 3-4. Soon after, I watched my siblings go off to school. People believed I was still 3 due to how I look, despite the years that passed by, so I didn't have to go. I played with the others my age- well physically my age. Also known as, I play with other 3 year olds that stay home. Well, I only play with them for a little while until I get bored and go to my father and watch him write about his findings.

They were quiet interesting. Well, in my opinion they were. Though out of them all, my favorite was astronomy. I loved the night and the stars, and now that I've learned the constellations, I can tell stories in the future, to my children and my loved ones. I wonder, in the future, will I have children? Or a husband? If so, how many child will I have? Ah, that's planning for when the times come. I mean, who knows what will happen? The future is the future and only fate and time can determine what happens in the future.

This is prologue part 1! Next will be part two!
This one was written by: MideivalScorceress !
Please go follow her if you please!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2019 ⏰

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