14 - This is the Part Where You Run

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   Though, got on the wrong side of wrong of them, you'd face the devil that lived in both of them. 

   In front of Doctor Saltzman's jeep, two boys stood, one looking rather dazed and confused. Beside him, stood a boy Eleanor recognized instantly, who went by the name of Landon Kirby. It had been a while since she'd laid eyes on him, after moved out of Mystic Falls not long after she returned to school. Doctor Saltzman stood one side of the two boys, and Hope Mikaelson stood the other, her gaze instantly falling on Eleanor as she appeared. 

   "Welcome to the Salvatore School." Lizzie greeted, smiling in the direction of the two boys. "We're your tour guides."

   "I'm Josie." Josie continued. 

   "I'm Lizzie." The blonde twin picked up, nodding between herself and Josie. "We're sisters." 


   "Fraternal. Obvs." 

   Waverly gave them both an amused smile, and extended her hand to the boys, which both of them just stared at instead of shaking it. "And I'm Waverly. Not their sister, obvs." She smirked in Lizzie's direction, who merely rolled her eyes in response. "I'm another one of your tour guides."

   "Rafael, why don't you go ahead with the girls while I talk with Landon?" Doctor Saltzman suggested, though he didn't have much of a choice. 

   Upon their Fathers words, Lizzie linked her arm through one of Rafael's, and Josie linked her arm with through the other. "Morning, Hope." They said in stereo, as they caught the Mikaelson girl, who was still staring at Eleanor. 

   Hope forced a smile in their direction. "Morning girls."

   Lizzie leaned closer to Rafael. "More like despair." She muttered as they walked away. 

   "I heard that." 

   "No you didn't!"

   "Didn't have to." 

   Eleanor was ignored the bickering going on between Lizzie and Hope, her eyes narrowed on Waverly's retreating figure, who waved bye to Carter girl with a smirk. Clearly, this had been a ploy to leave her alone with Hope, and she didn't appreciate it in the slightest. Eleanor planned to just walk away, but Landon Kirby quickly got in the way of those plans, as his eyes finally landed on the familiar blonde girl. 

   "Ellie?" He questioned, his eyes searching her up and down. 

   She offered him a small smile. "Hey Landon." 

   "So, let's get started." Doctor Saltzman announced, and began to walk ahead, Hope following straight behind him. Eleanor stayed at Landon's side and walked with him, avoiding meeting the eye of the Mikaelson girl as she walked by her. 

   Landon rose a brow at the action, seeing the awkward tension between the pair, but Eleanor simply shook her head and brushed it off. Instead, she watched his eyes go wide with a smile, as he looked at everything they passed in the halls of the school. 

   "I'm curious, Landon-" Alaric cut himself off, and stopped two of the younger students, who'd been chasing one another down the hall. "--Slow down." He scolded gently, before sending them on their way. He then put his attention back on the Kirby boy. "Were you aware of us when you lived in Mystic Falls?"

   "I knew Hope and Eleanor went to some fancy boarding school." He replied, looking at the two girls. "People in town said it was for troubled rich kids..." His voice trailed off, as he spots a girl levitating boxes in the air, using only a flick of her hand. "No one in town mentioned anyone her could do that."

Something Better - Hope Mikaelson [DISCONTINUED]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang